The Briefing Room

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: PeteS in CA on May 11, 2021, 06:30:07 pm

Title: The First 'Transgender Bishop' Shows How Churches Abandon Christianity
Post by: PeteS in CA on May 11, 2021, 06:30:07 pm
The First 'Transgender Bishop' Shows How Churches Abandon Christianity (

For decades, American mainline Protestant denominations have strived to remain culturally relevant, often at the expense of biblical Christian doctrine. Many churches in these denominations may remain faithful to the gospel, but the institutions accept a terrifying degree of heterodoxy among the clergy — as even pastors deny the bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This past weekend, a biological male who identifies as female, Megan Rohrer, became the first transgender bishop in a mainline Protestant denomination, leading the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s (ELCA) Sierra Pacific Synod, Religion News Service reported. While Rohrer identifies as female, he has requested that others mutilate the English language by referring to him by the plural pronoun “they.”

Anyone familiar with the predilections of the ELCA would not be surprised to see this extremely liberal denomination on the cutting-edge of heterodoxy. After all, the ELCA became the first denomination to ordain an openly transgender person (Rohrer again) in 2006 and the first denomination to call a transgender pastor to serve in 2014.

ELCA is, at present, the largest of the four largest Lutheran bodies in the US, and easily the most liberal. In descending order of size, the other three are the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, and (I believe) the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ, all of whom are significantly more conservative than ELCA. The LCMC split from ELCA over denominational governance and ELCA's liberalism.