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The article doesn't give exact dates, but it sounds like Rubin's MoH-worthy action was during the Battle of the Pusan Perimeter, at the beginning of the Korean War, when US/UN forces were backed against the sea, literally.
What these people want is to liberate the world from Modernity, and from representative self-governance. What they want to institute is authoritarian control by world elites, with them as presumed recipients of goods and services stolen from the productive classes.

The innate human desire for freedom from responsibility and for the unearned is never satiated, but instead can only be controlled and moderated by the belief in individual liberty and personal responsibility, and enforced by the rule of law.

Both human freedom and the rule of law are what these people are fighting against.
Politics/Government / Re: "We know Fauci lied, we know the CDC lied."
« Last post by DB on Today at 04:51:24 pm »
For what? Do you believe the "Trump did nothing" lie or "The Vaccine is deadly" lie?

Did not Fauci lie about the origins, the effectiveness of masks, flattening the curve for 15 days, shutting down schools for children that had nearly zero risk from Covid?

Did not Trump put him charge of all that and awarded him a medal for doing that?

Did not Trump shut down millions of businesses and deem who was and wasn't "essential" in all of that?

Did not Trump's administration deny alternative medical treatments that did in fact turn out to be affective? Costing untold number of lives.

The "vaccine" was clearly harmful to many people who were told they had to take it. It was unproven technology that used the world's population as guinea pigs. It failed, virtually everyone got Covid, whether they were given the shot or not.

So yes, Trump bears some responsibility for all of that.
I'd have to see more context from before the pause. He might have been surprised by the press outburst, or he might have been trying to hear if there was a question worth answering. As for Jill's reaction, it might signal he had an accident, or she might have anticipated the possibility of LIEden saying something unscripted and stupid.

Agreed.  Seems to be many pictures and clips of Biden lately that others say what is happening.. Why should we believe their interpretation?
Cuellar is a pro-life Democrat and hasn’t been shy with his criticism towards Biden and how he’s handled the crisis at the southern border.

Strikes 1 and 2, and strikes 3 and 4. Not deadly like Stalin's but still a party purge.
From the clips that I've seen of it, her appearance on "Face the Nation" yesterday was disastrous. Rarely do you see a politician appear so completely tone-deaf, to the point of burning down their political career.
This clip contains Trump ad that has been banned.
I'd have to see more context from before the pause. He might have been surprised by the press outburst, or he might have been trying to hear if there was a question worth answering. As for Jill's reaction, it might signal he had an accident, or she might have anticipated the possibility of LIEden saying something unscripted and stupid.
A fundamental of any military is unit cohesion and loyalty. Training soldiers to hate or be suspicious of persons of some skin color or ethnic origin prevents unit cohesion and loyalty. Racist leadership can only exacerbate this deadly deficiency.
An argument for gridlock after this election
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