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The biggest thing you have in your arsenal is the ability to cut off spending for the Democrats.  Balance the budget, dumbass.  You want to hurt the Democrats?  Do that.  Stop arming them.  Where do you think they got the money to pay for Trump's prosecution?  You gave it to them.
This is going to be "Summer of Love" vol. 2

Wonder where "Queers for Palestine" stands on this...

Gee, you know what's missing here, @American Girl ?  An excerpt from the link.  Please excerpt your threads.  It only takes a few seconds.  Copy.  Paste.  Voila!

If you can copy and paste a link, then you can do the same for the content.  Title.  Author.  Date.  First few sentences.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Smokin Joe on Today at 10:50:57 pm »
What is this "sledding" of which you speak?
Sliding (either downhill, under power, or towed) on finely crystalized particles of frozen water. Almost as much fun as ice fishing (drilling holes through the ice on a lake and trying to catch the fish swimming underneath.)
Oli London
The German police officer stabbed by an Afghan migrant has DIED of his injuries. The 29 year old officer was stabbed several times in the head and neck.  After the attack he underwent emergency surgery and was placed in a coma.

5 others were stabbed during the attack.

The knifeman, who was shot dead at the scene, began a stabbing rampage after targeting campaigners from the anti-Islamist political party Pax Europa in the city of Mannheim. The police officer then tackled the wrong suspect, one of the victims, before being attacked from behind. 

Source: Associated Press
5:36 PM · Jun 2, 2024
"We believe in our institutions. We are conservatives, and we are trying to conserve the greatest country in the history of the world. And its institutions are an important part of that. Our system of justice is an important part of that,"

Another strongly-worded statement from the weak-willed Speaker...

Yup.  And a bunch of sternly-worded letters from the usual suspects.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Cyber Liberty on Today at 10:38:52 pm »
Winter...and three months of hard sledding.

What is this "sledding" of which you speak?
He is claiming that Trump will do the very thing that Democrats are doing now.
I wonder if the Philadelphia queer parade included any FBI agents, as in West Hollywood.  *****rollingeyes*****
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Smokin Joe on Today at 10:33:44 pm »

Winter...and three months of hard sledding.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Smokin Joe on Today at 10:32:56 pm »

How much money did he have before the war? Where was it invested? etc. This is hardly enough information to draw a conclusion, and I bet he doesn't park it in the Donbas..
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