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Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: No driving on the weekends?
« Last post by Maj. Bill Martin on Today at 03:32:56 pm »
I pointed out a legitimate point of the article that was missing which really makes a difference to the outcome of the story.

Are you so thin skinned you cannot hear any other side of the story?

If you want to hear only one side and become ignorant and stupid be my guest.

I agree that the American Thinker, Gateway Pundit, Conservative Treehouse and some others post a a lot of sensationalistic garbage.  The problem is that your critiques seemed to focus exclusively on conservative sources and views, and only backhanded criticisms of the left.  That's why you presenting yourself as a moderate was viewed so skeptically.

My brother is a Republican convinced that "sanity will return" and that things like the current fetish of transgenderism will die out because "it is unsustainable."  But he and you are both prisoners of the moment.

The truth is that the country has been on a steady leftward drift for a looooong time, and the pattern is pretty much always the same.  Radical ideas are proposed that are out of the mainstream, and that do not have majority support.  But because the support of those radicals can be determinative for some of those running for office as Democrats, they placate those radicals by giving them some of what they want.  And it usually is modest enough that Republicans aren't willing to go to the mat over it.  So, the window shifts left.

Then they come back a bit later, and repeat the process.  Except now, they're already starting out further to the left so what they're pushing now is something that wouldn't have been accepted before, but may be accepted later because the status quo has changed.  And this keeps repeating.

The key thing is that this movement is almost exclusively leftward over time.  Part of that is due to structural biases in the legal system, part of it is due to leftist domination of the universities, and part of it is because of the inherent bias of leftward-leaning people towards government action, and therefore towards government employment.  Most conservatives don't like government, don't want much to do with it, and therefore don't get involved because they prefer the private sector. That gives the left a structural advantage.

That still doesn't excuse sensationalized reporting and headlines from some right-leaning outlets.  I personally find that stuff frustrating as hell because it tends to lead conservatives down rabbit holes that lead nowhere, and can make us look ridiculous when it is proven false.  But because this country is in no practical danger of sliding to the right, I really can't fathom conservatives and moderates who think that kind of sloppy journalism presents anywhere near that threat presented by "journalism" on the left.  So when someone who claims to be a conservative or even a moderate seems to only focus on flaws among conservatives, I question their claimed "moderate" or "conservative". mantle.
I don’t pay attention to these idiots in “entertainment”.

Who is this woman?  George Clooney married a Moslem?  What is this connection?
That worm did more damage to his brain than we thought.
Jokes and Humor / Re: The Official TBR Silliness Thread---2024
« Last post by 240B on Today at 03:25:35 pm »
Basically, if Netanyahu or the other relevant Israeli officials travel for diplomatic reasons in many countries they could be arrested. And I doubt they would trust the US while LIEden is President, even though the US does not recognize the ICC's authority.
“I see your true colors shining through…”

He’s a Lib.
He’s a Lib lying redistribution of wealth SOCIALIST*.

*corrected for accuracy
One of these days that jacked up lightbulb is going to burn out on stage. Can't do that over and over without consequences.

A massive stroke live on TV would be ratings gold!
World News / Re: Ukraine 4
« Last post by PeteS in CA on Today at 03:12:53 pm »
It's an IFV, but by way of contrast, a Japanese WW2-vintage Type 95 light tank had 12 mm armor, basically thick enough to protect against .30 caliber machine guns and infantry rifle fire. 10 mm of armor might be similarly protective, but against a .50 or 12.7 mm caliber machine gun possibly not.
Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: No driving on the weekends?
« Last post by roamer_1 on Today at 03:11:33 pm »
That was the logic used by those who agreed to support him early on.  They figured people would never support a kook like that, so he could be easily managed.  And even when he became Chancellor, he didn't have majority support and the others who agree to support him figured enough people wouldn't take him seriously.  The Enabling Acts that were passed in 1933, and that gave him the power to become dictator, came when he only had the support of a third of the voters.  But the rest again figured that he could be controlled, so they agreed to give him that power.

And that was it.

Most often the horrors that beset Man are caused by inept or malicious government - Natural disasters pale by comparison. And yet, people continue to put trust in government...
Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: No driving on the weekends?
« Last post by Maj. Bill Martin on Today at 03:08:10 pm »
Germany 1928, no way that shouty mustache guy will win so why worry about what he says?

That was the logic used by those who agreed to support him early on.  They figured people would never support a kook like that, so he could be easily managed.  And even when he became Chancellor, he didn't have majority support and the others who agree to support him figured enough people wouldn't take him seriously.  The Enabling Acts that were passed in 1933, and that gave him the power to become dictator, came when he only had the support of a third of the voters.  But the rest again figured that he could be controlled, so they agreed to give him that power.

And that was it.
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