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Economy/Business / Re: DOW 40,000
« Last post by catfish1957 on Today at 04:12:07 pm »
Fool's gold X 4

This market is approaching 75% oversold.   When it crashes, expect 15K + or -.  based on reasonable Market Caps and P/E ratios.
Economy/Business / Re: DOW 40,000
« Last post by 240B on Today at 04:11:24 pm »
Right now markets are just basically a place for and ocean of money looking to go.
It is all inflation numbers, not actual real value.
We know this because while American GDP/productivity crashes, the stock market rallies.
Thanks for the update. I didn't know Gray he had passed nor did I realize that he had scoffed at climate change.

Oops, my bad...  Dr. Gray died in '18.  Need to clean my glasses.
American Special Operations Forces Are At A Crossroads
Nowhere was the great pivot to near-peer threats clearer than at this year’s special operations convention in Tampa, Florida.

PUBLISHED MAY 12, 2024 2:20 PM EDT

American special operations forces (SOF) are at something of a crossroads. After decades of low-intensity conflict, as well as counter-insurgency and counter-terror operations, they now face a very different kind of primary threat — state adversaries, some of which are near-peer status. Transitioning its focus to a high-end fight, potentially over an enormous geographical area, is a tall order, but it's one the SOF community is very engaged in at this time. This metamorphosis now underway was glaringly clear at the SOF Week convention this week in Tampa, Florida.

In particular, the biennial mock battle that raged Wednesday outside the convention was markedly different this time around for reasons that have everything to do with the changing future of American special operations.

Gone was Tampa's mayor being “kidnapped” by 'jihadis,' only to be 'rescued' and returned to the dock in a rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB), surrounded by international special operations forces (SOF) troops as they blast a fusillade of machine gun blanks. Instead, during this year’s demonstration, "adversary" drones and Marine special operations paragliders soared overhead.
I'm not going to fault them over this. Social distancing works for colds why not covid? It was the beginning of covid and no one knew what we were dealing with
Hindsight is always 2020 and easy to go back and criticize.
I bet you thought masking was just bitchin too.
Just another in an elite line of fine military equipment. *****rollingeyes*****
Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 5/16/24
« Last post by pookie18 on Today at 04:05:26 pm »
Therapeutic Thursday thank-you's, Pookie!

Comforting thought: we're just one FJB heart attack or stroke away from:

Yeah. comforting, ain't it?

We always wanted to be governed by a Batman villain... ess...

You're welcome, as always & thanks Scott!
You get the $cience you pay for.

 :yowsa: Exactly! Same with for public consumption polls.
Navy CMV-22B Ospreys Only Allowed To Fly 30 Minutes From A Divert Airfield: Congress
The flight limit means the Navy’s CMV-22Bs cannot perform their critical transport mission for carriers on deployment.

PUBLISHED MAY 14, 2024 3:19 PM EDT
Congress says the Navy's CMV-22B Ospreys can only fly 30 minutes from a divert airfield, limiting their ability to provide carrier onboard delivery services.

A powerful Congressional subcommittee says the Navy’s troubled CMV-22B Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft are unable to perform their main function of aircraft carrier onboard delivery (COD) and wants to know what is being done to fix the problem.

“The committee understands that current CMV-22 operations are limited to flights and missions that stay within 30 minutes of a suitable divert airfield,” the House Armed Services Committee Seapower and Projection Forces subcommittee wrote in its Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) initial markup. “This prohibits the use of the CMV-22 for carrier onboard support of deployed aircraft carriers once they have left their homeport.”

That presents a potentially huge problem because the Ospreys are intended to provide a stream of vital supplies and personnel to aircraft carriers and their escorts. This logistics link has to exist even over longer distances during so called 'blue water' operations, where ship's own tactical jets have no divert fields within range. As it sits now, the carriers can only be supported by the CMV-22 within close proximity to shore, which drastically negates their intended utility. In other words, the CMV-22s are basically operating within the range of what a laden heavy lift helicopter could achieve at this time.
The standard is the lowest common denominator. Participation trophies was its forerunner.

The country cannot survive it.

Which was, and is, the intent!
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