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Yep, innuendo at this point, but there is no doubting the visuals supporting evidence of dialated pupils, and huge behavioral differences in "speaking joe"

Different in the manner of days, you can see either the dithering, mumbling, stumbling joe....  or the jacked up joe who is the angry man shaking his fist at the cloud.  I beleve the guy, but some proof would be nice to add as a campaign point.
Elections 2024 / Could Trump Tap Paxton As Attorney General?
« Last post by Elderberry on Today at 12:48:12 pm »
Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog 5/20/2024

Here’s news that will be catnip to conservative activists.

    Former President Donald Trump has strongly hinted at considering Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for a cabinet spot should he win in November, but now he’s made it explicit.

    Over the weekend at the National Rifle Association’s convention in Dallas, Trump was asked by Fox 4’s Steven Dial whether Paxton is a name worth considering for U.S. attorney general. He told Dial, “I would, actually [consider Paxton]. He’s very very talented. We have a lot of people that want that one and will be very good at it.”

    “But he’s a very talented guy. I fought for him when he had the difficulty [in impeachment] and he won. He had some people after him and I thought it was very unfair. He’s been a great attorney general.”

    Paxton’s legal team defeated the impeachment effort last year, and then the long-running case against him over alleged securities fraud was dropped just before he was set to go to trial. The Whistleblower case against the Office of the Attorney General, which served as a basis for impeachment, remains underway, though depositions were paused.

    This isn’t the first time Trump has gestured about a Paxton appointment should he win another term in the White House. Back in November, he mentioned Paxton among others in an interview with The Texan. The former president also mentioned Paxton in a February interview with Fox News alongside Gov. Greg Abbott, during which he noted the governor as a potential candidate for vice president. Abbott has since said he’s not interested.

In all reality, LBJs great society was like going to an AA meeting and offering all you can drink free beer.

The choice to sign up was on those who did, and remains with those who continue to do so.

Unfortunately, the society that has been created demands conformity to its lack of values and makes it more difficult to really improve and become free of the Government issued miasma that has fallen over so many. Whites are affected, too, as are others who opt in, and the effects are quite similar. Dependency, crime, poverty sponsored by the state.

There is always a choice, and there are plenty of folks who will give those looking to better themselves a chance. The rest is up to the individual. Do they have the inner strength to overcome their situation? Will they take the chances with being ostracized and make their own, personal progress from the projects to prosperity?

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
See also:
At summer house, so am missing the fireworks.  How's it looking?
Biden has been president for three years

So is he admitting to these graduates that their lives suck under him?
Texas Scorecard by  Brandon Waltens   | May 20, 2024

Incumbents campaigning against colleagues has been a forbidden practice. Now it’s a three-day tour.

There’s been an unwritten rule in the Texas House for a long time: incumbent members should never campaign against other incumbents.

Known by some as the “Incumbent Protection Program,” the “tradition” was so pervasive a few years ago, that the Texas House Republican Caucus actually enshrined the prohibition in their rules and has threatened to censure members who dare to violate it.

And so when I say it is remarkable that a group of incumbent and incoming legislators hit the road for three days to travel 1,000 miles around the state exposing their colleagues for cozying up to liberal leadership and killing conservative priorities, I mean it.

This is far from business as usual. This hasn’t been done before.

The Silver Bullet Tour, hosted by Gun Owners of America, started last Wednesday in Burleson with a campaign rally for Helen Kerwin, who is challenging State Rep. DeWayne Burns.

It wound through the metroplex, making stops for David Lowe (who is challenging State Rep. Stephanie Klick), Andy Hopper (who is challenging State Rep. Lynn Stucky), and Katrina Pierson (who is challenging State Rep. Justin Holland).

It wasn’t all smooth sailing.

The group encountered a torrential storm as they traveled to Beaumont.

But despite the weather and the long distances, the coalition trekked on, taking major shots as they told voters the record of the incumbents.

At a stop in Denton for Andy Hopper, State Rep. Brian Harrison rebuked the notion that those members seeking to pass the legislative priorities of the Republican Party of Texas were extreme.

“The only extremism in the Texas House comes from our liberal drunk Speaker Dade Phelan,” Harrison told the crowd at Robson Ranch to raucous applause.

Incumbents ignoring the grassroots was a common theme among all who joined the tour.

(AP) Urgent:

September 14, 2053

Category 5 Hurricane Franklin with 155 mph winds, and a 25 foot storm surge roared across the Savanna area this morning.  Mass devestation reported, and unprecedented damage due to landfalling debris from fractured solar panels and wind turbine fragments.  Intitial reports from FEMA indicate that the debris is creating logistics problems from emergency responders reaching vicitms who may not have evacuated.   
A female psychiatrist's take:
Where Have all the Real Men Gone?
How the feminization of culture and the decline of the male hero is ruining everything for everybody (Part 1)
Apr 25, 2024

I like men. I like the fact that they are different from women—that they are from Mars while we are from Venus. I like the fact that they're always trying to fix things. It's adorable, even when it's annoying. Men are not women—even though you can now get yourself banned from social media for saying so out loud. ...

When I was growing up, this is how our culture portrayed men: Yes, the Marlboro Man. ... We all know that the stereotype I’ve just described is a product of the patriarchy (the white Christian cis-heteronormative patriarchy, to be precise) and we know this because the venerable American Psychological Association—an organization increasingly dominated by women—has said so. In its 2018 Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Men and Boys, the APA concluded that “traditional masculinity — marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful.”  ...

Without heroes and positive male role models (which create expectations for behaviour) both men and women—and boys and girls—are suffering. If we immerse boys and young men in a culture that tells them their innate traits are toxic, that their contributions are not needed and that we expect nothing of them, how could they fail to live down to our low expectations? When we tell them that striving and competing are proof that they are toxic males, can we blame them for choosing to stay in mom’s basement playing video games and smoking dope? ...

Everywhere we turn, boys are failing, falling behind academically (at every level), dropping out of the workforce and killing themselves in record numbers. Although “experts” tell us we are still living in a patriarchy, it’s hard to escape the sense that we are increasingly living in a toxic matriarchy, complete with emotional reasoning, “mean girl” ethics, and a culture of radical safetyism at the expense of Malboro-Man-style liberty and honour. Contra the APA, I would argue that what we need is more stoicism and less concern with the “feelings” of those who choose to embrace victimhood. ...
Read entire essay at

See also Part 2: Welcome to the Gynocracy

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