Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: If SCOTUS Ignores The Constitution, Trump Should Ignore SCOTUS
« Last post by corbe on Today at 02:58:04 am »
Witness tampering is a very serious crime @libertybele punishable by years in prison.
I did try many years ago, and it was difficult to find items needed that weren't made in China. Look around your house and see how many items that you have lying around that are made in China.
As an example on my desk; staple puller, ruler, desk lamp, wireless keyboard, binder hole puncher, stapler, computer speakers .... all made in China. Are there alternatives made elsewhere, perhaps ... but these items I purchased years ago so no, I'm not in need of them, just making a point. I'm looking around and see a couple of other items made in other countries. Not a whole lot made in the U.S.A. - that needs to change.
Yes I get the difference between items needed and wanted. Whenever I do need something, I try to purchase made in the USA. That's not always easy.
IMO it's becoming more difficult to buy American with Amazon now taking over brick and mortar.
The optics could be very bad, considering Z had to go get a couple more guys to come back. It's like a kid rounding up their gang when they lost a fight...Nah, I don't see it that way. When it comes to diplomacy, the bigger the coalition, the better.