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NO! and NO!!! We already give them a sizeable portion of our GDP. We are the largest contributor to the UN in the they have their hands out for more.  We need to get out of the UN!!

Biden gave them more than $18 billion in 2022. (I couldn't find the $$ for 2023). The U.S. provided more funding to the U.N. system than 185 other U.N. member states combined.
The answer is, "NO!"

(no further response required)
It wouldn't matter to the "climate activists" if ALL the whales died and the fish as well.

"We built the windmills!
We saved the planet!"
‘Resistance Is Futile’: Climate Activists Push Collectivism To ‘Solve’ Global Warming

"Collectivism" ??

We all know what that really means:
Another word that starts with a "c", that they do their damnedest to keep quiet about.
"Oregon DMV mistakenly registered..."

Cue up Burt Reynolds in Deliverance:
"Mistakenly... my a$$"

(I composed this post before scrolling down to see ranger's reply -- posting anyway!)
"Americans in Ohio left in the dust after Biden-Harris immigration policies favor foreign nationals"

Memo to the "Americans in Ohio" (and elsewhere):
You have become third-class citizens.
Suck it up and get used to it.

The Party
bele tolls:
"Let's face it -- letting ILLEGALS in rom all over the country we are bound to see their practices in our culture.  They are too many for them to assimilate, instead they will feel free to do whatever they're used to; from skinning and eating pets and wildlife, to rape and murder."

Nothing's going to change.
The situation... as it is today... is only going to get worse.

There's a reason for this.
That reason is:
The only way to reverse this is to SEND THEM BACK to their countries of origin, particularly the muslims and the blacks such as Haitians and Somalians.

NO ONE is willing to do what's necessary to accomplish this.
Not you, bele.
Not any other member of this forum who will publicly say so (regardless of what they may think and speak privately).

Because THIS is what it will take -- nothing less:

Would YOU support what you see in the image above ???
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