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General Discussion / Re: Fan Mail Friday (5-5-24)
« Last post by Polly Ticks on Today at 01:12:21 pm »
1. Do you have a doppelganger? (Has anyone ever told you that you look like someone who's "famous" or "infamous"? Do you agree/disagree?)  No

2. What's something you're kind of snobby about?  Tennis shoes ... as in, shoes I wear when playing tennis matches.  Diadora or Asics are about the only thing I'll wear.   Actually, I guess I'm a little bit snobby about my 'bumming around' walking shoes, too.  Since I had a horrible time with plantar fasciitis several years ago, I wear Brooks shoes.  The only exception to those rules was the recent past when the bone spur on top of my foot/ankle was giving me so much problems that I couldn't tie a shoe across the top of my foot and all I wore was hightops of some sort. Post-cortisone shot, I'm right back to my Brooks.

3. At what age did you consider yourself an adult?  I became an adult on May 25, 2022, so early- to mid-50's.  My mother went on to Glory and I became the matriarch of the family.  I feel the weight of that every day.
The US is thought to provide approximately one-third of the UN’s budget.
The Times of Israel by Reuters 5/7/2024

Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan says a draft General Assembly resolution recognizing the Palestinians as qualified to become a full UN member goes against the founding UN Charter, and would give the Palestinians the de facto status and rights of a state.

“If it is approved, I expect the United States to completely stop funding the UN and its institutions, in accordance with American law,” Erdan says, noting that adoption by the General Assembly would not change anything on the ground.

Under US law, Washington cannot fund any UN organization that grants full membership to any group that does not have the “internationally recognized attributes” of statehood. The US halted funding in 2011 for the UN cultural agency UNESCO after the Palestinians became a full member.

Solar panels still generate power on overcast days. I expect BD has battery backup to a degree.

They are still connected to the grid because BD says they are selling excess power back to the local electric company

New solar panels are being developed that generate electricity at night via ambient temperature.  I do not know the exact details

How about during massive hail storms.  Do you know how much it costs to dispose of the chromium and cadmium laden panels as Universal, hazardous waste?  Then add the logistics nightmare of having to fish these suckers out individually out of acres and acres of this crap.

Just a hint from someone who was in the environmental field for 40 years......   90% of the time adding green to any process is a sure fire receipe for the device or process to go to shit.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 12:57:36 pm »
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 12:55:22 pm »
Awww you got myocarditis? Too bad. Try turning off the TV.

Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 12:53:15 pm »
Officials describe telltale ‘buzz’ that led to last-minute scrub of Boeing Starliner’s crewed launch

CNN By Jackie Wattles 5/7/2024

 Two NASA astronauts had reached the final hours before a long-awaited launch attempt aboard Boeing’s Starliner capsule, the first crewed mission of the new spacecraft.

But the mission was scrubbed about two hours before the countdown clock hit zero because of an issue with a valve on the Atlas V rocket, a workhorse vehicle built in Alabama by United Launch Alliance that will fire the Starliner capsule to space.

Launch officials do not yet know when they will make a second attempt to get Starliner off the ground, though they’re now targeting no earlier than May 10.

“Good things are worth waiting for, and we’ll get a chance to see that rocket and spacecraft (get) off the pad here soon,” said NASA’s associate administrator for space operations Ken Bowersox during a news briefing Monday night. “We still have to gather more data. We don’t have a definitive plan for you yet — that will come as soon as we can provide it.”

The valve at issue is located on the Atlas V rocket’s second stage, or the upper portion of the vehicle that’s attached to the Starliner spacecraft.

Occasionally, valves can get into a position where they start to “buzz” by opening and closing rapidly, said Tory Bruno, the CEO of United Launch Alliance.

Some buzzing is OK, but too much could cause the valve to fail, Bruno said. And now engineers need to determine whether the component opened and closed enough to cause concern.

Officials will spend a day evaluating the issue and determining whether the valve needs to be replaced and the rocket needs to be rolled back off the launchpad.

We flood our country every year with muslims coming from hostile countries.  I would guess at least 250,000 legal greencard recipients, if not more.  How many are crossing the border illegally is anybody's guess.  With each passing year, anti-Semitism will only worsen.  Again, it is NOT a mystery.  This has been going on for decades!!!!!!!!

Iran is always at the top of the list for recipients.  So to is Algeria, Egypt, Morrocco, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Uzbekistan, etc.  All these muslims flooding the USA is NOT a good thing.  Just not.

In the not too distant future, muslims will be the dominant group in France, Belgium, and eventually Germany and other European nations.  When that happens, watch for those nations to be destroyed.  That is what muslims do.  They destroy anything and everything that is not islamic.  Meanwhile the Christians will stand by and watch it happen in the name of diversity, or equality, or just plain stupidity.

We already have NO GO ZONES in the USA.  Who would have ever thought that day would come?
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 12:51:24 pm »
German politician convicted and fined for
posting stats showing this.

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