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Lancet Report On Temperature-Related Deaths Contradicts Its Own Study
by Paul Homewood  9 hours ago 

Yes, it’s the annual fraudulent Lancet report on climate change! Via The Telegraph: [emphasis, links added]

New diseases are spreading, the hayfever season is starting earlier and even the hours in which it is possible to practise sports are changing.

The common denominator behind all these and other changes to human health is climate change.

A new report in the Lancet has found that warming temperatures in Europe have far-reaching impacts on health.

It tracks the links between climate change and health across the region, exploring 42 indicators.
Science Should Undergird America’s Energy Choices, Not Lobbyists
by John Droz Jr.  9 hours ago 

The fundamental fight over enacting effective energy policies is between lobbyists and the public. (A parallel perspective is that it is a contest between real science and political science.) [emphasis, links added]

Lobbyists are paid to represent their clients’ economic interests or political agendas. The public consists of citizens, businesses, and the military.

Lobbyists are professionals who spend most of their time soliciting legislators on their client’s behalf. See this interesting new book about lobbyists.

The obvious question is: “Who is balancing out this one-sided influence by competently and aggressively representing the public’s interests on energy policies (and other important issues)?  The unfortunate answer is almost no one.
Liberal bluestate response. It is a crisis we really can't do much.

Fl Response.  “I would tell them, if you value your life, they probably shouldn’t do that in Polk County. Because the people of Polk County like guns, they have guns, I encourage them to own guns, and they’re going to be in their homes tonight with their guns loaded, and if you try to break into their homes to steal, to set fires, I’m highly recommending they blow you back out of the house with their guns.
Cycles in Earth’s Climate – Part 1: The Trend Setters
22 hours ago 

Richard Willoughby


The emergence of the Isthmus of Panama, starting around 5Ma, due to uplift of the Caribbean plate was a major event in Earth’s recent climate history.  It altered the depth of cyclic glaciation, which resulted in oceans being 138m deeper than the present level 23,000 years ago.  This article looks at the cycles that drive the climate trends that create glaciation and interglacials.  Chart 1 provides the reconstructed temperature history based on EPICA Dome C and the Spratt 800kyr sea level reconstruction over the past 800kyr.

Chart 1 also shows the top of the atmosphere (ToA) solar electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) for July at 15N (left hand scale).  The basic frequency of the solar EMR is 23kyr corresponding to what is termed Earth’s axial precession cycle, which is modulated by eccentricity of the orbit around the sun and axial obliquity,  Over the last 1Myr, eccentricity has exhibited  a period of 89kyr and obliquity  a period of 39kyr.

Fourier Transform of Temperature and Sea level Histories

Fourier transformation of time based data transforms the data from the time domain to the corresponding frequency domain to tease out the significant cyclic components in the data.  Chart 2 displays the frequency components inherent in the change in sea level for the sea level shown in Chart 1.

There are three period peaks in the frequency domain.  The two shorter periods, 23.3kyr and 39.4kyr align reasonably well with precession and obliquity cycles.  The peak at 102.3kyr is a little longer than the period of eccentricity in the present era.  It is noted here that the time interval for the sea level data is 1kyr with 512 data points so the resolution for longer periods is quite poor.
Wrong, Mainstream Media, Tree Rings Aren’t Reliable Indicators of Past Temperatures
Anthony Watts
May 16, 2024

Dozens of media outlets such as ABC News, The BBC, The New York Times, and many more, hyped a study that claims summer temperatures in 2023 were unprecedented over the past 2000 years. This claim, in fact, can’t be verified by tree ring data, which isn’t that precise. Researchers are falsely assuming tree rings are reliable temperature indicators when in fact tree rings can indicate a multitude of different conditions, not just temperature.

Further, the study, Esper, J. et al., Nature, 2024, is using an old trick, pioneered by Michael Mann, Ph.D. in his controversial hockey stick graph, where estimated temperatures from select tree rings and other proxies far into the past are grafted onto more reliable temperatures, measured in the present, and presented as one unified dataset, when in fact they are radically different.

For example, the BBC’s article about the study presented this graph, which is highly reminiscent of Mann’s original “hockey stick” graph.
Many of the ‘Climate Experts’ Surveyed by the Guardian in Recent Propaganda Blitz Turn Out to be Emotionally-Unstable Hysterics
BY BEN PILE 13 MAY 2024 7:00 AM

The Guardian last week published its survey of ‘climate experts’. The results are a predictable mush of fire-and-brimstone predictions and emotional incontinence. This stunt may have convinced those already aligned to the newspaper’s ideological agenda to redouble their characteristically shrill rhetoric, but encouraging scientists to speculate and emote about the future of the planet looks like an act of political desperation, not scientific communication.

For the purposes of creating this story, the Guardian’s Environment Editor Damian Carrington contacted 843 ‘lead authors’ of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s reports (IPCC) and 383 responded to his questions. The actual substance of the survey does not seem to have been published by the paper, but the main response Carrington wanted to get from his respondents was an estimate of how much global warming there will be by the end of the century. “World’s top climate scientists expect global heating to blast past 1.5ºC target,” claims one headline. A graphic in the article shows the responses:

The obvious problem this raises is that such a wide range of views on the next three quarters of a century discredits the notion that the IPCC represents a ‘scientific consensus’ on climate change. The ‘consensus’ – the putative expression of agreement by the worlds ‘top climate scientists’ – is the lynchpin of the narrative, epitomised by the Guardian, that the climate debate is between scientists and denialists. “Seventy seven per cent of climate scientists expect a rise of at least 2.5ºC,” explains the chart. Well, yeah, but 23% of climate scientists do not. And a good number of those connected to the IPCC believe that there will be just 1.5 degrees of warming – a third less warming than is anticipated by their colleagues at the other end of the spectrum. Clearly, there is, or needs to be, a debate.
No, inflation wasn’t 9% when Biden took office
© Provided by VERIFY

On May 8, President Joe Biden claimed the inflation rate was at 9% when he took office in January 2021 during an interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett.

“No president has had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came into office, 9%,” Biden said.
The president cited the same statistic during an interview with Yahoo Finance on May 14.

“I think inflation has gone slightly up,” he said. “It was at 9% when I came in and it’s now down around 3%.”

Multiple VERIFY readers, including Laura, want to know if the inflation rate was actually 9% when Biden assumed the presidency in 2021.
Peppermint Patty strikes again.
It’s time to bring back the world’s greatest fighter jet – from the 1990s
Story by David Axe • 6h

The Lockheed Martin F-22 is the US Air Force’s best fighter. The Lockheed Martin F-16 is its most numerous fighter. But its workhorse fighter – the type which balances capability and mass – is the Boeing F-15E Strike Eagle, the multi-role version of the classic air-superiority fighter. The Eagle was the best fighter in the world before the F-22 came along.
More than three decades after the first of the twin-engine, two-seat, supersonic F-15Es deployed for Operation Desert Storm in 1991, the Air Force’s 218-jet F-15E fleet is as busy as ever. When Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel last month, F-15Es flying from Qatar intervened, some of them firing nine or 10 air-to-air missiles each. Israel also used its own F-15s.

It makes sense that, when a crisis flares, the Air Force deploys F-15Es first. The 16-ton fighters fly farther than other American fighter types do, carry a wider array of munitions – and more of them – and are being upgraded with new radars and electronic jammers.
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