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Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: No driving on the weekends?
« Last post by libertybele on Today at 01:36:07 am »
While there were McDonald's my parents would never dream of going to one when I was a kid. My dad worked hard, 6 days a week and two jobs for years, but Sunday was family day and we would go for a drive, or to regional parks and many times afterwards to the malt shop...remember those? thick malts that came in a tall glass with the metal mixing container on the side that still ha enough to almost fill the glass again?

Yes!  I do remember those malts!!!  A thing of the past.
National/Breaking News / Drinking Water Warning Issued Nationwide
« Last post by libertybele on Today at 01:33:34 am »
Drinking Water Warning Issued Nationwide

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an enforcement alert Monday urging water utility systems to take immediate actions to protect the nation's drinking water from cyberattacks.

According to the EPA, recent federal inspections revealed that 70 percent of U.S. water systems inspected do not fully comply with requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act. The agency added that some systems have "critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities, such as default passwords that have not been updated and single logins that can easily be compromised."

Possible impacts of cyberattacks include interruptions to water treatment and storage and damage to pumps and valves, along with alteration of chemical levels to hazardous amounts, the EPA said.

"In many cases, systems are not doing what they are supposed to be doing, which is to have completed a risk assessment of their vulnerabilities that includes cybersecurity and to make sure that plan is available and informing the way they do business," EPA Deputy Administrator Janet McCabe said in a press release.

When reached by Newsweek via email Monday afternoon, the EPA pointed to additional information in today's press release and enforcement alert.......................

Editorial/Opinion/Blogs / Re: No driving on the weekends?
« Last post by GtHawk on Today at 01:32:40 am »
McDonald's?? I don't remember there being one when I was a kid.

I do remember my husband and I used to take Sunday drives once in awhile with the kids and sometimes if we had the money, we'd even stop for ice cream. That was always a real treat.
While there were McDonald's my parents would never dream of going to one when I was a kid. My dad worked hard, 6 days a week and two jobs for years, but Sunday was family day and we would go for a drive, or to regional parks and many times afterwards to the malt shop...remember those? thick malts that came in a tall glass with the metal mixing container on the side that still ha enough to almost fill the glass again?
Three obstacles:

The Senate

LIEden's veto pen

No 2/3 majority to override the predictable veto

One obstacle.  The Constitution.  The Executive Branch alone gets to decide whether to spend money that has been appropriated by Congress.  Biden has it within his power to deny them every single dime of that money.  Don't like it?  Take it up with the States.  They are the ones who elected him.
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