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Sports/Entertainment/MSM/Social Media / Re: Olympics 2024 Thread
« Last post by mystery-ak on Today at 01:41:00 am »
I like the swimming, track and field and gymnastics
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Right_in_Virginia on Today at 01:39:51 am »
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Right_in_Virginia on Today at 01:38:31 am »
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Right_in_Virginia on Today at 01:36:57 am »

Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by DCPatriot on Today at 01:35:31 am »
Sports/Entertainment/MSM/Social Media / Re: Olympics 2024 Thread
« Last post by mountaineer on Today at 01:35:05 am »
Need to check the schedule to see when sports of any interest are on. Mr. M wants to watch the marathon at 2 a.m. in a week or two. 999yawn

I’m not disagreeing that his comment was  a dumb thing to say if he wants to advance his political career. And there’s gonna be plenty more things that he has said in the past that’s gonna come out that’s gonna turn off voters

I’m just saying that he’s right when it comes to liberal women being miserable cat ladies.

Times are tough out there for liberals, especially women. According to the 2022 American Family Survey, no demographic is unhappier and less satisfied with their mental health than liberal women.

The comment was derogatory towards women and he's trying to bury it and he can't. To me the most troubling comment(s) is that those with children should be able to cast extra votes and get tax breaks.  For, one, people with children (at least last I had heard and read) already get tax breaks....extra votes???  So in essence he's proposing to exclude a certain demographic from voting or allowing a particular demographic extra votes?  Really?  Sorry, that's almost as ridiculous as something AOC might say.

Of course this isn't going to be the last thing he says that people disagree with, but like Trump, right now he just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.
No matter how perfect she may seem, just remember that some other guy got tired of putting up with her.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Cyber Liberty on Today at 01:23:38 am »
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by DCPatriot on Today at 01:19:20 am »
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