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Ronald Reagan secured the release of the Iran hostages before he took office. You gonna call him names for doing so? Hmmm?
I remember Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan.
Don't do this, Maine.

And Nebraska shouldn't have done it, either.

Reason why:
Since the concept of The Electoral College is a favorite of those of the right, why not take it even further?

That is, end the present system of "winner takes all" (of the Electoral votes).
Instead, make the "Maine system" national, awarding votes by each individual Congressional district. Give the two extra votes (for Senators) to whomever wins the most Electoral votes in the respective state.

If there's a tie of Electors, split the additional votes (for Senators), one each.

Agreed. But I'd also say leave it up to voters with a referendum to make the change.
Haha, so the conspiracy is that they're in on it?
The admission was made by Democratic House Majority Leader Maureen Terry who on Friday told The Bulwark that it’s “very likely” her party missed the window

With Democrats, there is no such thing as 'missing the window'.  The Dems could wait until two weeks after the election to declare that all Maine electoral votes go to the statewide winner, and they would get away with it. 
This would be the point where an American President would offer a public address expressing 'thanks' to Israel for bringing the killer of 241 American soldiers to justice.

You mean Joe?  The boy has been MIA since 2006
Don't do this, Maine.

And Nebraska shouldn't have done it, either.

Reason why:
Since the concept of The Electoral College is a favorite of those of the right, why not take it even further?

That is, end the present system of "winner takes all" (of the Electoral votes).
Instead, make the "Maine system" national, awarding votes by each individual Congressional district. Give the two extra votes (for Senators) to whomever wins the most Electoral votes in the respective state.

If there's a tie of Electors, split the additional votes (for Senators), one each.
This would be the point where an American President would offer a public address expressing 'thanks' to Israel for bringing the killer of 241 American soldiers to justice.
And....a nothingburger. No one is even saying they had a physical sexual relationship, just a very close friendship.

I'd be damned before I let the Left tell me who to care about and how to do it.
They advocate murdering babies. Sheesh!
Roughly 100,000 Arizona residents may not be eligible to vote on the “full ballot” in Arizona’s general election in November due to an “administrative error”

More likely due to intentional lawlessness.
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