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Politics/Government / Re: "We know Fauci lied, we know the CDC lied."
« Last post by DB on Today at 01:22:12 am »
And yet no one is held accountable.
Politics/Government / Re: Biden blesses abortion with sign of the cross
« Last post by DB on Today at 01:21:19 am »
This is unbelievable. He is either senile or evil. In either case, certainly not qualified to be POTUS. There was a day when this simple gesture would have cost any politician his job. Not today, unfortunately.

I look forward to the day when those children that get mutilated can hold the enablers accountable.
The peoples republic of Austin. Where a bunch of hairy legged women and liberal fruit cakes with man buns rule the city.
Steely Dan  -  Pretzel Logic

General Discussion / Re: Fan Mail Friday (5-5-24)
« Last post by mystery-ak on Today at 12:31:34 am »
???? Just curious on #3 -- Getting married or becoming an adult??

When I got married at 19 I felt like an adult....but like I said 19 imho is too young to get married..
I posted Biden would step down at the DNC convention to be replaced with a moderate Bill Clinton 2 0 string on crime and illegal immigration and was attacked as a troll

You are a troll.  But not for that post.  It's because you are an ill-informed ignoramus.
General Discussion / Re: Fan Mail Friday (5-5-24)
« Last post by jmyrlefuller on Today at 12:28:18 am »
1. Do you have a doppelganger? (Has anyone ever told you that you look like someone who's "famous" or "infamous"? Do you agree/disagree?)
I've been told I resemble Rick Astley. I'm a fan of Rick's, so I'll take that as a compliment.

2. What's something you're kind of snobby about?
Name brand groceries. My family grew up—well, not only did we not make a lot of money but we didn't always have a car so we were restricted to the grocery store a family friend owned in town. (That store would also be my first wage-earning job.) The store brands this store had available to them were NOT GOOD. Combine that with the autism-spectrum stuff and I developed an undeserved aversion to a lot of foods growing up. Eventually when Dollar General came to town I realized they were selling their name brand products at the same price the store was selling their generics—and oh, what a difference it was. Sadly the store shut down for that and a lot of other issues. Now that I have a driver's license, I take the 20-mile trip to Big Lots or Ollie's and get even better deals on name brands. I also tend to buy a local brand of milk only because New York has made farming so expensive and I go out of my way to support our local dairy farms that did nothing to deserve being squeezed the way our state does.

3. At what age did you consider yourself an adult?
I'd say when I graduated college. Early 20s.
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