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Joe Biden to Debate Donald Trump on CNN with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash

CNN is President Joe Biden’s preferred network to host at least one presidential debate, he said Wednesday.
S&P and Nasdaq beat their record highs today. Dow is about 150 pts from record high earlier this year.

The devaluation of the dollar has the same effect on stock prices that it has on rent and grocery prices.
Every point you made you’ve placed the blame of the mess that were in on the American people

 That was 100% the government that did that

Then you turn around and blame “right wing porn” for why people in this country feel the  way they do about the economy.   Perhaps you should stop to think that maybe they feel the way they do because they’re experiencing the reality in their own lives

1. Yes, partially blaming the  American people but if you do not have a job right now it is your own fault. I live in a moderate growth area, not slow, not booming but every business has help wanted signs right now. It is a fact people are spending way too much.  Talk with any loan officer. People still want to live and spend like it is 2018 2019. Yes seniors/retired people and low skilled/uneducated low paid  workers are having a rough go of it, I do not deny that.

2. Some of the inflation issue was caused by Trump, Some by Biden and some neither were at fault. Yes govt spending is out of control and our debt  is a major problem we face. ..but our debt will be addressed. Have you noticed all the articles written by top economist that we really need to start taking the debt and out of control spending serious. Jamie Dimon had a article  today. I have noticed 2-3 per week now.  Republicand and democrats are finally seeing the problem it is and are coming together. Both KNOW it is the issue of our times.

Steve Mnuchen, TRump's Sec of Treasury warned Trump in 2018-2019 he needed to push the Fed to SLOWLY  increase artificially low interest rates or he would have a inflation problem in his second term due to the run of people buying up homes and driving up prices to record levels.. Trump refused because he thought it would slow down the economy too much. . It is in Mnuchens book. Housing prices shot up to exorbitant levels...Inflation= too much money chasing too few goods. Trumps 8 trillion of spending and 2.1 trillion  covid act was another cause of inflation.

The collapse of the supply chain was another major cause of inflation. Remember when Ford could not get chips and dealers were adding on 20-25k or more to the sticker of trucks on the lot and people were buying them.  My wife was offered  a cash price on her truck for what she paid for it new 4 years earlier.

Neither Trump or Biden were at fault over the collapse of the supply chain. . It was the fault of globalization over the last 25-30 years and putting all our eggs in one basket-China.

Yes, Bidens spending and laws is causing inflation.
Too blame inflation entirely on  biden is the lazy way out as every country in the world suffered from inflation  Most way worse than us. To only blame biden is a lack of economic history and partisanship.
Pardoning?  Biden is the one persecuting Trump.
Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 5/15/24
« Last post by scottfreitas on Today at 10:19:09 pm »
You're welcome, as always, @scottfreitas

Yes, the Thing was a member.

Finally, if that was your image, pls chg COMBIEND to COMBINED & resend. If not, just let me know...

Solly, the meme wasn't mine. I saw the typo but decided you'd get the joke anyway. ;)  It is sorta hilarious to imagine some doofus couldn't spell "combined" but... hey... government skools, you know? ;D
The debates will be so tilted toward Joey...I'm not sure my blood pressure will be able to handle watching. :shrug:
“The point he was making is that the factors that caused inflation were in place when he walked into the administration,” she said.

There was only one factor in place that causes inflation - the Fed's ability to expand the money supply by funding government excess.  And in that regard, Biden made full use of it.
Is Biden even aware that inflation is still a problem?

He mentions it now and then but how much is that is because he’s being told it’s a problem and then soon forgets?

At least Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter did recognize inflation as a problem for the economy and Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker to chairman of the Federal Reserve

I doubt that he believes there is a problem. He has convinced himself that inflation was 9 per cent and now it's not. Whether it be dementia or intentional lies (or both) it's what he thinks.

Most people don't think there is a problem until it affects them.
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