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Will Joe represent the USA at His funeral. And as a further sign of good will hand the Iatolla's the keys to a C-130 loaded with pallets of cash?
Send Kamala to cackle her way through the ceremony.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 08:23:18 pm »
Won’t that have to be refilled at some point?

Apparently the reserve is too degraded to refill. So once out, it's out. Its purpose was for a national emergency which has now been transformed into a Biden political emergency - using other people's money and resources.
Elections 2024 / Re: Trump bleeding support from rural men in Wisconsin
« Last post by LMAO on Today at 08:13:31 pm »
And then there’s Dane County with the People’s Republic of Madison and my county of Douglas County that will go Democrat along with Milwaukee county

If this poll is accurate, there’s no way Trump is going to take Wisconsin.
General Discussion / Unexpected Freedom
« Last post by libertybele on Today at 08:11:47 pm »
I ran across this and hopefully it will give you a little mood booster......(I did change a few things here and there)....


"I am now, probably for the first time in my life, most like the person I have always wanted to be.  Sure, sometimes I despair over the wrinkles, the baggy eyes, and the sagging chin.  In fact, often I am taken aback by noticing that old person in the mirror, but I don't agonize over it anymore.

I have a wonderful life and would never trade my amazing friends (including my Briefer buddies) or loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly.  I've become kinder to myself.  I've become my own friend.  I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need but looks so avant-garde on my patio. I am entitled to overeat, to be messy, to be extravagant.  I can say "no" and mean it.  I can also say "yes" and mean it.

Great freedom comes with aging.  Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 a.m. or sleep until noon?  I will walk the beach in a swimsuit that is stretched over a bulging body and dive into waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the bikini set. They, too, will get old!

As I become older, it is easier to be positive.  I care less about what other people think.  I don't question myself anymore.  I've even earned the right to be wrong.  I like being old because it has set me free!

I genuinely like the person I have become.  I won't live forever, but while, I am still here, I will waste no time lamenting what could have been or worrying about what will be." 

Today, I wish you all a day of ordinary miracles and the unexpected freedom of aging with joy!!! 

God Bless Each and Everyone of You!!!
Won’t that have to be refilled at some point?
Hard to know which is worse. Joe has no clue what's going on. Whomever is running the White House behind the curtain is able to do so with impunity making them far bolder. That's dangerous.

I think it's Val Jar with instruction from the Mullahs in Iran.
We need to start recirculating those pictures of the Invaders wearing the "Biden Please Let Us In!" T-shirts from 2021....

The vast majority of Democrats would still vote for Puddinghead.

The sympathy vote...
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