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Measles today....   Ebola tomorrow.   Thanks Pedo Joe.
U.S. announces effort to expedite court cases of migrants who cross the border illegally
By Camilo Montoya-Galvez

May 16, 2024 / 9:32 PM EDT / CBS News

The Biden administration on Thursday announced an effort to shorten the time it takes for U.S. immigration judges to decide the asylum cases of certain migrants who enter the country illegally along the border with Mexico.

Migrant adults released by federal border officials after crossing into the U.S. unlawfully will be eligible to be placed in the program, under a joint initiative between the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department, which oversees the nation's immigration courts.

The effort's objective, senior U.S. officials said, is to speed up the process of granting asylum to migrants with legitimate cases, and rejecting weak cases. Federal officials under Republican and Democratic administrations have said the current years-long timeframe to decide asylum cases serves as a "pull factor" that attracts migration by economic migrants, who don't qualify for humanitarian protection, but who often use the asylum system to work in the U.S.
It's natural to think your region's abnormal weather patterns indicate a natural trend.

Here in Maryland, we haven't seen the sun in almost 2 weeks.  Overnight temps as low as the mid 40s...highs in the 50's and low 60's if we're lucky.

Agree.  That is why:

(1) There is still a huge amount of evidence that our climate is subject on an atmospheric level to randomness
(2) Here on earth, you (we) are more impacted by El-Nino/Nina influences at the macro level. 
(3) And my main point....  Probably the biggest contributor to climatological variations are from sun-spots.  And there is not much we can do with that.

 One major volcanic eruption can emit more CO2 than all of man's contribution combined in a year.  Dismantling our entire economic infrastructure is insane to appease some left wing zealots.  Don't get me wrong.....   I am all for conservation, cost effective abatement, common sense pollution prevention.  Those alone just makes good sense, and it conserves resources for the future.

But, this knee-jerk left induced scam?  I don't think people know or understand what will happen if we take this path over the cliff.
Saturday, May 18th 2024 10AM 66°F 1PM 63°F 5-Day Forecast
Staggering 84 percent of measles cases in major Chicago outbreak linked to Venezuelan migrants, CDC report shows
The remaining 16 percent of cases are linked to travel from Peru and Chile
READ MORE: Measles jab more likely to be ineffective in Caesarean children

PUBLISHED: 13:42 EDT, 16 May 2024 | UPDATED: 15:29 EDT, 16 May 2024
Some 84 percent of deadly measles cases in a recent major outbreak at a migrant center in Chicago are linked to Venezuelan immigrants, a new CDC report shows.

New information reveals that the spate of 57 cases at the Pilsen migrant shelter can be traced back to a one year-old boy who had only received one of the two vital vaccines.

The majority of the cases — 72 percent — were among unvaccinated people, the CDC said.
Don't worry....   87K new armed IRS agents will protect us.   :cool:

I guess we found out why the IRS was procuring all that ammo! 

Giving more money to Elizabeth Warren won’t change that

Might get Fauxahontas off the reservation though.
Bill Melugin
NEW: Per new CBP data through April, at least 434,800 migrants have flown directly into the US and have been paroled into the country via the Biden administration's controversial CHNV mass parole program. This includes:

184,600 Haitians
101,200 Venezuelans
91,100 Cubans
75,700 Nicaraguans

These are not included in the southern border numbers.

See new posts
Wid Lyman
“What happens when Border Patrol encounters someone who has crossed the border illegally?”

USBP Tucson Sector Chief John Modlin hosts “Coffee With the Chief” where he fields questions about the ongoing border crisis


From the article….

It was inevitable that the Joe Biden family would end up in government—they’ve got nothing of value to add to the private sector—

Do they even have anything of value to add to government?
“Let’s get ready to mumble”

Now that is funny right there!
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