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Pardoning?  Biden is the one persecuting Trump.
Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 5/15/24
« Last post by scottfreitas on Today at 10:19:09 pm »
You're welcome, as always, @scottfreitas

Yes, the Thing was a member.

Finally, if that was your image, pls chg COMBIEND to COMBINED & resend. If not, just let me know...

Solly, the meme wasn't mine. I saw the typo but decided you'd get the joke anyway. ;)  It is sorta hilarious to imagine some doofus couldn't spell "combined" but... hey... government skools, you know? ;D
The debates will be so tilted toward Joey...I'm not sure my blood pressure will be able to handle watching. :shrug:
“The point he was making is that the factors that caused inflation were in place when he walked into the administration,” she said.

There was only one factor in place that causes inflation - the Fed's ability to expand the money supply by funding government excess.  And in that regard, Biden made full use of it.
Is Biden even aware that inflation is still a problem?

He mentions it now and then but how much is that is because he’s being told it’s a problem and then soon forgets?

At least Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter did recognize inflation as a problem for the economy and Jimmy Carter appointed Paul Volcker to chairman of the Federal Reserve

I doubt that he believes there is a problem. He has convinced himself that inflation was 9 per cent and now it's not. Whether it be dementia or intentional lies (or both) it's what he thinks.

Most people don't think there is a problem until it affects them.
Fire everyone at DOJ who is "fire-able".

That means ALL of them.

Then... rehire on a case-by-case basis.
I suspect we may have similar tastes @libertybele  :laugh:
I am guessing they are going to take those two days to jack him up like for the SOTU address.
They pumped him full of Hitler juice.
That's partly true - But only partly. Bitem and his administration have only exacerbated the problem.

That’s right

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