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Of course, he reminds you he used to be an astronaut. Really, can't Arizona do better than this? He's an  annoying gun-grabber who also has a big exploitation streak - first it was his wife being shot by that kook, now he's trying to use abortion to get rid of the filibuster "this time only". Uh-huh,  camel, nose, tent.

Isn't that a prerequisite to being a "good" Democrat?
Just drag them away by the ankles while their faces plow a furrow in the ground.

I like it  88devil
General Discussion / Re: Fan Mail Friday (5-5-24)
« Last post by AllThatJazzZ on Today at 08:16:20 pm »
It's interesting how different our approaches are regarding when we consider ourselves adults. Some make the assessment based on when they took on adult responsibility. Others when they reassessed life after a tragedy. I was thinking along the lines of when you stop being interested in doing fun or silly things like you did as a kid. Like climbing trees. Or playing games. Or having a pillow fight.

I had to grow up earlier than I wanted to because I had to take care of my dying husband in our early 20s. Many years before hospice became a thing. He finally succumbed to cancer at 23. I've taken care of 3 dying family members over the years. As y'all know, it's physically and emotionally grueling, so I always dreamed of fun ways to counterbalance that responsibility. If I had a decent climbing tree, I'd go out and climb it right now. But not before I queued up 911 on my cell. The old gray mare....
Netanyahu is correct. I have been watching this with ever increasing amounts of alarm.
Each child brought into this country costs $15,000 a year for public education on average all by itself. A family with three children costs taxpayers $45,000 a year. And that's just costs from education. That doesn't include healthcare, law enforcement, subsidies etc.

They don't begin to put a dent in the costs with the taxes they pay.

And they tend to occupy low skilled occupations which are not high paying professional jobs
@Right_in_Virginia back in 2006 the Secure Fence Act was indeed passed by both Houses and signed into law.  Funding obviously has been the problem.

So, Trump isn't the first candidate to come up with the idea of needing to secure the border and mass deportation.  Cruz addressed that long before Trump.

Trump WAS elected on his campaign and promise of securing the border and building the wall.  He FAILED.  The majority of the wall that was erected under him was mostly repairing existing wall that was built years ago.

You can throw all kinds of stats and charts around, but plain and simple, Trump did NOT complete nor erect the wall.  The wall was started long before he took office.  I used to donate to a group that had cameras on the progress of the wall, and for $$ you could have a portion of the wall built and an American flag put in place.  No the wall wasn't completed, but the point is, Trump is NOT the first one to come up with building a wall, nor securing the border.

Groups such as Numbers USA and Federation for American Immigration Reform have been working on this for years.

It has been a political boomerang between the party for years. 

Trump waited till the last minute to ask for funding.  Of course we all know that the new DEM Congress was just about to be sworn in when he asked.  He FAILED.

Stop trying to convince us that building the wall was his idea.  It was started long before; so much so, that the majority of the $$ that he did get was used was to replace or reinforce wall that was already there.

Current PA law regarding the practice of veterinary medicine.

That law doesn't include any language about ultrasound.
??? I question your logic. #1) There is a way to come legally into the U.S.  #2) Those crossing for the most part aren't here to make a better life for themselves, they want to destroy us, take us over, and have no intention of assimilating.


The US  does an incredible job of assimilating immigrants.  Studies show 2nd generation immigrants have education levels at the native born rate and college levels just a few points below whites

They are not coming here to destroy us but they have no future in their own countries

Europe on the other hand has never assimilated their immigrants. They push them in to no go zonesaling with their own people in ghettos  and give them zero chance to succeed so they revolt

Talk with any business owner who has hired Hispanics. They are the hardest working people on the planet

The people from China are escaping a bad and worsening conditions  and a increasing authoritarian govt. Chinese age 30 and younger have 45-50 percent unemployment and Chinas economy is crashing

Have there been terrorists and bad criminal coming across. You bet but most just want a better life
   His supporters will eat good tonight.

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