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General Category => Editorial/Opinion/Blogs => Topic started by: mystery-ak on October 19, 2019, 02:13:15 pm

Title: Oh, So That's How Many Electoral Votes Trump Will Clinch in 2020
Post by: mystery-ak on October 19, 2019, 02:13:15 pm
Oh, So That's How Many Electoral Votes Trump Will Clinch in 2020
Matt Vespa

Posted: Oct 19, 2019 1:10 AM

It’s early. Way too early to discuss polling in any serious measure, especially in the absence of a Democratic nominee, but the liberal media loves to trot out their trash polls about the president’s approval ratings and support for impeachment in what could be argued as a prolonged campaign to demoralize the GOP base. It won’t. If anything, how the liberal media has behaved over the past three years has only become one massive in-kind contribution to Trump’s re-elect as everyone sees through their bias, lies, and gross incompetence. How many times were we told about Russian collusion? It was a myth. How many times have we heard the ‘walls are closing in’ on this presidency? They’re not.  There’s a reason why the media is distrusted. There’s a reason why ‘CNN sucks’ remains a popular chant. The inability for the media to cover this White House accurately has reached epic proportions and frankly, it’s to the point where it’s no longer digesting information. We're tuning into these networks to get a good laugh and gauge how Trump Derangement Syndrome has engulfed the Left. The reality is that there is good news emanating from this administration.

Job creation is solid with over three million jobs created. Paychecks are larger. Consumer and small business confidence have reached their highest marks in years. The economy is booming. And if the recent Democratic debate showed you anything, it’s that the economic growth we’re seeing would be torpedoed. The Democrats want to give health care to illegals, promote open borders, bash cops, increase taxes, force everyone on government health care, coupled with massive tax increases, confiscate guns, and permit abortion up until the moment of birth on the taxpayer dime. Yeah, it’s a debate between freedom and slavery—and the Left argues the latter as some great alternative to Trump. Oh, and Medicare for All, which is what Democrats now endorse, would cannibalize all private health insurance plans. That’s around 150 million plans. So, for all the conniption fits about the GOP taking away people’s health care, well—the Democrats are the ones actually proposing that this year and thinking it’s a popular and economically sound policy.  So, would it shock you, given the left-wing Democratic agenda that will thrust economic destitution upon many, that we have a 2020 projection where Trump wins re-election handily (via The Hill):

Title: Re: Oh, So That's How Many Electoral Votes Trump Will Clinch in 2020
Post by: Fishrrman on October 20, 2019, 01:41:39 am
I'll say it once more:

Mr. Trump will win re-election with either the same or perhaps a few more electoral votes than in 2016. He'll do a little better with the popular vote, as well, but not all that much.

With a bit of luck, he may actually win the popular vote by a small margin.

The country is just too divided for any other scenario.

I hope that I'm proven wrong, that his victory is greater, but that's how I see it.