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World News / Re: Ukraine 5
« Last post by DB on Today at 05:02:11 am »
Why on earth is Trump not letting the Europeans in at the negotiating table???

They are supplying a lot of resources and it is at their backdoor. Seems very unwise.
Does the Trump Administration only criticize Europe, while Russia - which it seems eager to embrace - gets a free pass?

Apparently so, since they're getting ready to sell out Ukraine to Putin.

The generally ignored truth is that Trump's "deals" usually suck.

Remember this one?
Her family problems telegraphed to me that she was a ticking time bomb... and I was right. It only got worse.... before the TDS there was PDS at FreeRepublic .... if you didn't worship the ground she walked on you were considered an outcast.... now you can't find a person there that remembers being such.

Well, in 2008, the only family problems they were having were with teenaged Bristol getting pregnant by Levi Johnston, who was co-opted by the local Democrats to turn and attack Sarah, and Sarah's own pregnancy with Trig, which became a particular obsession of Andrew Sullivan.

Andrew Sullivan's Trig Palin obsession 

Andrew Sullivan suspects that Sarah Palin may not have been entirely honest about the birth of her son Trig, and while The Atlantic blogger is not a lone voice on this issue, he is one of the few mainstream writers to give it such persistent consideration. Some of his fellow doubters argue that Trig — who has Down's Syndrome — is not really Palin's child, but her daughter Bristol's. Others believe Palin was simply lying about the circumstances surrounding his birth (particularly her claim that she was flown from Dallas to Anchorage while in labor). But even if Palin did bend the truth, asks Sullivan in a new column, why should we care? Because, Palin has "deliberately forced an infant with special needs into the bewildering public space," and used his birth to gain respect from her conservative Christian base. If she lied to do that, then what business does she have running for president? Here, an excerpt:

Remember how the media hounded them mercilessly and how Joe McGinniss even moved into the house next door to spy on them?

Sarah Palin Lashes Out at Journalist Joe McGinniss for Moving Next Door

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who has long had a contentious relationship with the media, lashed out today against a writer she says has moved in next door while he writes a book about her.

Joe McGinniss, a non-fiction novelist known for works including the book The Selling of the President, an account of the 1968 Nixon presidential campaign, has rented a house next to Palin's Alaska home for about five months, Palin writes in a Facebook note.

"He moved up all the way from Massachusetts to live right next to us - while he writes a book about me," Palin writes. "Knowing of his many other scathing pieces of 'journalism' (including the bizarre anti-Palin administration oil development pieces that resulted in my Department of Natural Resources announcing that his work is the most twisted energy-related yellow journalism they'd ever encountered), we're sure to have a doozey to look forward to with this treasure he's penning. Wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden, and the family's swimming hole?"

Their family problems only exploded AFTER the 2008 election and the pressures brought on by the non-stop attacks to take her down over the next three years.  That was enough to destroy any marriage and family.
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2025
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 04:23:25 am »
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2025
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 04:21:38 am »
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2025
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 04:20:35 am »
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2025
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 04:20:03 am »
Her family problems telegraphed to me that she was a ticking time bomb... and I was right. It only got worse.... before the TDS there was PDS at FreeRepublic .... if you didn't worship the ground she walked on you were considered an outcast.... now you can't find a person there that remembers being such.
I grew weary of the drama surrounding her, not necessarily weary of her.

Well, that drama was largely caused by Obama's minions in Alaska (Pete Rouse, Anita Dunn, and the local Democrat hatchet people) trying to remove her as a threat to him in 2012, and they were successful.  In fact, she was one of the first well-known Republicans to be subjected the Democrat lawfare (along with Senator Ted Stevens and Governor Bob McDonnell in Virginia), which was perfected by Obama.  And they were wildly successful, tying her up with those 21 ethics complaints which nearly bankrupted the Palins (over $600,000) since under Alaska law, she was forced to pay for her own legal defense.  Remember when they even had her legal defense fund declared illegal?


Illegal Sarah Palin defense fund must give back donations

And the Republican Party even helped Obama destroy her:

Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Palin

Top Republicans in Washington and in the national GOP establishment say the 2010 campaign highlighted an urgent task that they will begin in earnest as soon as the elections are over: Stop Sarah Palin.

Interviews with advisers to the main 2012 presidential contenders and with other veteran Republican operatives make clear they see themselves on a common, if uncoordinated, mission of halting the momentum and credibility Palin gained with conservative activists by plunging so aggressively into this year’s midterm campaigns.

I will never forgive them for this betrayal.

Because at the time, McCain's campaign was moribund and on life support, with almost nobody coming out to see him at campaign stops, and he needed somebody like her to infuse energy into it.  Remember how things suddenly took off when she joined the ticket and spoke at the 2008 GOP convention, with donations rolling in again, and tens of thousands of people going to her rallies (I attended the one in Shippensberg on October 25, 2008 and it was electric!)


Why would she turn him down?  It was the opportunity of a lifetime for an up and coming Republican governor, and McCain had not quite yet revealed his full liberal streak.  And plus, in 2008, it all about beating Obama!

I for one had seen enough of McCain's liberalism and as much as I liked Palin, I couldn't bring myself to pull the lever for the RINO. Both Obama and McCain were leading us down a path of destruction...Obama just a bit quicker, and in the end we would have wound up in the same spot.  I voted 3rd party.  The GOP didn't get the message though.
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