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Nonsense.  ALL your overlords know exactly why they must stop Trump --- and it has nothing to do with this  pointing-up  fantasy.

Take a peek at London today:

Not my overlords - I ain't voting for any of em. A pox on both their houses. All their houses.
They are selling us down the river, every one of em, including your boy.
Not with the vehemence they have for him. He made it his goal to piss them the hell off, and he got it done. Their hatred of him is white-hot... And for no real reason beyond his penchant for pissing em off.

Nonsense.  ALL your overlords know exactly why they must stop Trump --- and it has nothing to do with this  pointing-up  fantasy.

Take a peek at London today:

Due to the secret service complexities I have a hard time seeing him get prison time. Especially when they really just need to keep him off the campaign trail and give him a new title, convicted fellon. My bet is six months house arrest, not allowed to leave the State, community service and a massive fine in the tens of millions.
Computers / Re: Rant about cable internet pricing and speed
« Last post by roamer_1 on Today at 08:15:04 pm »
You are on point here, for sure. As an aside, I wish more people would check out Indie games on Steam, but yeah, games aren't really your generation's thing. But there are some awesome titles that make you think, and developers, especially overseas, don't go out of their way to cram wokeness into their releases.

Yeah... not my bag... the last game I obsessed over was Doom. Three months straight... Day and night...a whole summer... and the only fall of my yoot that I was too fat to hunt. Nope. my obsessive personality cannot handle games. Far better to obsess over something that will pay me a hundred an hour instead... So I obsess over pooters.  happy77
Another rogue "judge"...prosecutors asked for $100k bail, the "judge" gave him $30k.
Rot in hell, the both of you for killing this girl.
The Briefingroom Polls / Re: Will Trump win NY?
« Last post by roamer_1 on Today at 08:06:53 pm »
It will be my first civil war. Am I supposed to wear camo?

Just the underpants.
The Briefingroom Polls / Re: Will Trump win NY?
« Last post by roamer_1 on Today at 08:06:18 pm »
The south has enough bullets this time around.

If they don't they can call the West...
AOC Blames Abraham Accords, Jerusalem Embassy, Golan Heights for October 7 Attack

Joel B. Pollak 1 Jun 2024

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) joined an anti-Israel commentator this week in blaming the Abraham Accords peace deal and the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem for Hamas’s massive terror attack on Israel on October 7.

“AOC” also agreed that Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights — which are not claimed by Palestinians, but were taken from Syria in a defensive war — was also “directly” responsible for October 7.

The logic appeared to be that given the close U.S. alliance with Israel under then-President Donald Trump, and given peace deals with other Arab states, Palestinians had no choice but to commit terror to draw attention to their cause. (The same justification has been used for Palestinian terror attacks for half a century, and the cause is widely known.)

The Jewish Insider website reported:

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) agreed with a popular far-left Twitch streamer last week that the Abraham Accords, and other U.S. policies, were significantly responsible for the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

    The political streamer, Hasan Piker, said the attack was, “a direct consequence of the Abraham Accords and many of Jared Kushner’s and Donald Trump’s administration’s actions, like moving the embassy to Jerusalem.” Ocasio-Cortez, appearing on Piker’s show, responded, “10,000%.”


    During the stream, Ocasio-Cortez also described the Israeli operations in Gaza as a genocide.

According to the Times of Israel, some Democrats are beginning to criticize Ocasio-Cortez and other members of the left-wing “Squad” for their extremist anti-Israel rhetoric.

Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 5/31/24
« Last post by pookie18 on Today at 08:03:39 pm »
Love the I wasn't born an outlaw meme of Trump.  I think I will send it off to one of those oil painting outfits and have it blown up and put it on my living room wall.  Great graphic.

I voted for Trump twice, would rather have seen another Republican as the candidate for 2024, but he will get my vote and the vote of every person I can convince to vote for him versus the Soviet minded communist Wrecking Ball Joe, or the other liberal ninny with a worm eaten brain (uuuggghhhh).

I was watching a bunch of videos of George Carlin on Youtube, and he does a segment on the death penalty.  I actually agree with him.  Let's bring back the death penalty in a big way.  And I want public executions, as was done to John Brown back before the Civil War.  And I say, let's start with the Biden Crime Family.  Indict, convict, and dispatch them all  together.  That single event alone could reduce $1 trillion off the national debt.  I would gladly pay $1,000 to observe true justice once more in the USA as a paid per view event.  Carlin thought it would be a good means to reduce the national debt, and I agree with him.  And have lots of commercials, and make it event like the Super Bowl, where it lasts about three hours.

 :yowsa: :yowsa: :yowsa:

Some good thoughts, jafo2010!
The Left would have a meltdown.   Maybe even a few NeverTrumpers.
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