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Imtiaz Mahmood
A little history for American Uni students wanting to 'restore Palestine'.

1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.

2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.

4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.

5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.

6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.

7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.

8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.

9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.

10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.

12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.

13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.

14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.

15. Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.

16. Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.

17. Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

18. Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.

(The Kingdom of David - historic map for those wondering how the region looked over 2000 years ago, and how deep the roots of the Jewish people run in these lands)

10:27 AM · May 7, 2024
Last I heard, the debt was somewhere around $60B, not $21B...someone's cooking the books.
Florida / Ft. Lauderdale mosque: Jews are poison-injecting virus
« Last post by mountaineer on Today at 12:25:15 pm »
Speakers at Ft. Lauderdale Mosque: Jews are Like a Poison-Injecting Virus; We Cannot Even Deny the Holocaust; Mossad Agents Infiltrated Student Protests, Staged Anti-Jewish Violence

John Cardillo
This took place at the Masjid Al-Iman off Sunrise Blvd just west of I95 in Ft. Lauderdale.
It has been a radical terror centric mosque for decades, and is where 'shoe bomber' Jose Padilla was radicalized back in 1992.
8:22 AM · May 10, 2024
So if they had been successful, I'd wager the possible "unintended consequence" of such stupidity would have been polluted water due to the breakdown of materials over time.
Editorials / Re: My sitcom Mount Rushmore
« Last post by jafo2010 on Today at 12:12:18 pm »
We should do something similar for everyone's favorite movies.  Perhaps their Top 10 favorite movies, which must span 5 different genre(you pick), i.e.:

Biography/Autobiography/True Life Stories
History/Historical Fiction
Holiday (Christmas movie, etc)

Doing this myself, it would take a couple hours to put a comprehensive list together.  I can rattle 10 movies off the top of my head in a minute, but to define my absolute favorite in X number of genre, I would want to put some thought into it.

Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 5/10/24
« Last post by deb on Today at 12:10:48 pm »
Thanks, Pookie! Have a great weekend.
P.S. Can we clone Sowell?
Pookie's Toons / Re: Today's Toons 5/10/24
« Last post by Polly Ticks on Today at 11:52:37 am »
Thanks, Pookie.
Jokes and Humor / Re: The Official TBR Silliness Thread---2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 11:33:23 am »
Politics/Government / Re: Political Graphics 2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 11:32:55 am »
Jokes and Humor / Re: The Official TBR Silliness Thread---2024
« Last post by Slide Rule on Today at 11:28:40 am »
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