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Recently read that they discovered a vast subterranean ocean...ergo I'm going with the theory of tectonic plate shifting.   :shrug:

There is alot of evidence that points to that, that is deliberately being ignored to fearmonger climate change. In many cases it's the land sinking not the seas rising.
250 meters high?  The Empire State Building is 380 meters high.  Do they really won't those all over the countryside? :shrug:

...they sure as hell can find out who is organizing these well-coordinated protests at universities across our country.

Straight up. Brings it right down to the pinch point.
Border area mobilizes against German wind turbines of 250 meters high: 'Haste is required, more and more applications are coming'
From one of our correspondents .

Will the nature near Winterswijk soon be overshadowed by gigantic German windmills? "If we do nothing, then certainly," says campaigner Ricarda Kleffel. That is why the area is taking action. Not only on the Dutch side, but also on the other side of the border.

Not a moment too early, because there is a need for haste. "Yesterday we were surprised at Ratum with another application for the construction of a wind turbine," says Chiel Stemerdink. He shows a card with the new dot on it. 'Look, this one is really pushing the boundaries. This brings us to seven in total.' Together with the three search areas near Woold, Winterswijk potentially amounts to 10 mega mills, just across the border.

Developers are committed to installing turbines as quickly as possible. Once they are there, they won't leave.
'We are in discussions with the German authorities. They listen to us, show understanding and then say they can't help much. We have to go to Berlin. '

That corridor has been started. At the same time, the group also wants to draw attention to the area itself. That's why they unveiled three protest signs. One on the border, and the two others near the area where windmills will soon be located.
The so called Hamas support is nothing but smokescreen for the usual old ratty attempt at Marxist revolution, dictatorship, and genocide of all it's enemies, especially the Jews.

If they're able to trace every cell phone within 1000 feet of the U.S. Capitol on s specific to trace any cell phone within a couple of meters from where YOU were at a specific time (solving crimes)...

...they sure as hell can find out who is organizing these well-coordinated protests at universities across our country.

While woke Marxist autocrats are slow to figure things out, I think at least instinctively they are realizing that Net Zero will not only collapse the economy, but lead to massive depopulation, eliminating the money flow from the tax base that keeps them in power.

You have no power when you completely evaporate everything that gives you that power.
The idiots running the USA would give SA twice what they are receiving if they kept China out.  Maybe even more.  All they need do is print more of the green stuff.
I've read that they may have  been a meter or two higher just a few thousand years ago.

Recently read that they discovered a vast subterranean ocean...ergo I'm going with the theory of tectonic plate shifting.   :shrug:
The so called Hamas support is nothing but smokescreen for the usual old ratty attempt at Marxist revolution, dictatorship, and genocide of all it's enemies, especially the Jews.

It’s coal to the rescue as wind and solar fail to keep German lights on
Craig Rucker
April 30th, 2024
In Germany they call it the “Energiewende,” meaning energy transition, and it doesn’t work.

Germans have been forced to come to grips with sober energy reality after binging on more than half a trillion Euros of so-called “alternative” energy, such as wind turbines and solar panels.  This dramatically increased the price of electricity and created a serious risk of blackouts.

Germany actually just announced plans to reactivate coal plants to provide reserve power and lower the risk of blackouts during the coming winter and years to come.

Bloomberg reports that:
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