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Turns out it's just another Biden lie.

Confirmed: Biden Lied About Israeli ‘Proposal’; Right-wing Ministers Threaten to Quit

Reactions from parties in Israel’s governing coalition confirmed Saturday that U.S. President Joe Biden lied to the world when he claimed a proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal had come from the Israeli government.


Biden waited until the onset of the Jewish Sabbath to make his remarks, making it more difficult for the Israeli government to respond. Notably, the proposal did not call for the destruction or disarmament of Hamas, and Biden told Israelis in his speech that they could not expect “total victory.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued two separate statements indicating that Biden’s proposal was not, in fact, Israel’s proposal. Former President Barack Obama let slip that the proposal was actually Biden’s, and not Israel’s proposal.

Hamas, however, reacted favorably, since the deal would allow the terror group to survive.

As the Sabbath ended, two of the right-wing parties in Netanyahu’s coalition blasted the deal and said they would not be part of any government that allowed Hamas to survive the war, nor agree to a deal that would do the same.

It was a confirmation that the so-called Israeli “proposal” had not, in fact, been proposed by the Israeli government at all.

Biden’s intent appears to have been to box Israel into a deal that Hamas would have approved, making it harder for Israel to reject it.

And I don't understand families demands that Israel surrender to Hamas just to get the hostages back (or their remains, as the case may be).

Families of Israelis being held hostage are meanwhile urging him to accept the proposal.
About damn time.  Why did it take you this long?  Democrats are not your friends.  They want you dead.

Begs the question about why they were "cooperating" in the first place.
Israel confirms Gaza hostage-ceasefire deal proposal details laid out by Biden
Axios, Jun 1, 2024

Israel confirmed President Biden's speech on Friday described "in general" the Israeli proposal for a hostage-ceasefire deal in Gaza but emphasized Israel can resume fighting if it thinks Hamas violates the deal at any point.

Why it matters: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides are focusing on the aspects of the potential deal that are more favorable to Israel as the prime minister faces opposition to the proposal that could threaten the future of his coalition.

U.S. officials said they are encouraged that Netanyahu hasn't pushed backed on Biden's speech or denied it reflects the Israeli proposal delivered to Hamas several days ago.

State of play: Shortly after the Jewish Sabbath ended, Netanyahu's ultranationalist coalition partners ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich issued statements attacking the Israeli proposal, which they heard about for the first time in Biden's speech.

* They said they told Netanyahu if this proposal goes through and turns into a deal, they will leave the coalition and topple the government.

* Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid responded by issuing a statement committing to give Netanyahu a political "safety net" if needed in order to pass the deal.

The latest: The U.S., Egypt and Qatar issues a joint statement on Saturday calling on both Hamas and Israel to finalize an agreement "embodying the principles outlined by President Biden."

"These principles brought the demands of all parties together in a deal that serves multiple interests and will bring immediate relief both to the long-suffering people of Gaza as well as the long-suffering hostages and their families."

Biden administration officials worked the phones on Friday and Saturday to get statements of support from U.S. allies and Arab countries.

* Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke on the phone with the foreign ministers of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Turkey and Qatar.

* The Emirati foreign minister issued a statement praising Biden's speech and the Saudi foreign minister said his country supports any proposal that will end the war.

* French president Emmanuel Macron, British foreign minister David Cameron and EU foreign minister Joseph Borrell also issued statements of support for Biden's speech.


Behind the scenes: The White House notified the Israeli prime minister's office about Biden's speech about two hours in advance, U.S. officials said.

* U.S. officials spoke to the Israeli ambassador in Washington Mike Herzog and to one of Netanyahu's advisers and described the speech to them in broad terms.

* The White House also informed Israeli War cabinet member minister Benny Gantz and defense minister Yoav Galant in advance about Biden's speech, a U.S. official told Axios.

* The U.S. official said the White House was disappointed by Gantz's initial reaction. But on Saturday, Gantz issued a statement welcoming Biden's speech and calling on Netanyahu to push forward with a hostage deal.

Jun 1, 2024

Domestic pressure mounts for Netanyahu

Netanyahu is facing domestic pressure, both from opposition leaders to get a ceasefire agreement on the table, and from ministers within his own party not to back down on Israel’s original war goals. Families of Israelis being held hostage are meanwhile urging him to accept the proposal.

Protesters took to the streets of several cities across Israel on Saturday, demanding Netanyahu’s resignation and for early elections to be held.

They also demanded the release of all hostages held in Gaza and for the Israeli government to accept the latest proposal laid out by Biden.

Families of hostages held in Gaza took part in protests in Tel Aviv, Caesaria, Haifa, Herzeliya, Kfar Saba.

At Hostage Square in Tel Aviv, protesters called the names of the 125 hostages still in Hamas captivity.

“Start streaming this deal, so that it will start moving… Start working, start acting,” a woman in Tel Aviv shouted over a loudspeaker.

In Caesarea, protesters called for Netanyahu to accept the hostage release deal that Biden presented.

“There is no victory until every last hostage is returned,” people chanted.

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid wrote on X Saturday that Israel’s government “cannot ignore President Biden’s significant speech.”

Lapid said he was offering Netanyahu a “safety net,” saying he would support him in securing a hostage deal if far-right ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich left the government.
Essex class carriers served for about 3 decades. USS Midway and subsequent CV classes as long or longer ... USS Enterprise and Nimitz class CVNs for 5 or 6 decades. Given carrier classes' longevity, speculating that a new class just entering service will be the last is not very meaningful.
All things the same, I might agree. However, since the Exocet proved the cruise missile, and with the development of and growing emphasis on antiship missiles (and drones) including hypersonic missiles, I think the playing field has changed. The question is one of what will allow a projection of power and yet be able to survive the battle space.

It isn't grandpa's naval battle any more, and at some point supercarriers will go the way of the dreadnaughts.
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