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Archives => Radio Shows => Topic started by: mystery-ak on June 13, 2018, 07:15:16 pm

Title: Rush: The Left’s Dizzying 180 on Denuclearization
Post by: mystery-ak on June 13, 2018, 07:15:16 pm

The Left’s Dizzying 180 on Denuclearization

Jun 13, 2018

RUSH: This is the essence of fake news, and this is exactly what the president was tweeting about today.

“So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have ‘begged’ for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!”

There is nothing more infuriating than your enemy being right. And they can’t stand how right Trump is. Let me illustrate this for you. Here we are day two of the news media being just beside themselves, practically a PTSD over Trump’s summit with Kim Jong-un. Now, my friends — and I’ve talked about this often over the course of the many years of the Excellence in Broadcasting Network.

I’m old enough to remember when the media and the rest of the Democrat Party used to consider denuclearization the most important goal in the world. I’m old enough to remember the Hollywood actress Laura Dern breaking down in tears whale appearing on the now defunct Phil Donahue show. Allow me to imitate. (crying) “Phil, you don’t know what it’s like to be 18 and wake up every day and realize we could all be gone in an instant because of the news.”

That was the leading fear that people — we’re talking now back in the early nineties, whenever Laura Dern was 18, whenever that was. And of course it was the number one issue. When Reagan became president, the left became so anti-nuke. They’ve always been anti-nuke, but they just doubled and tripled down on it. Nuclear weapons were the absolute worst thing in the world. Nuclear weapons were gonna be the end of all of us. Getting rid of nuclear weapons was the key. When Reagan deployed missile bases in Europe, they were having cows.

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