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So we're to believe that a freshly planted treeling will remove the same amount of CO2 from the air as a 100-year-old Norway spruce?
Well not when the Scots start cutting those trees down for heating because the green energy policies make NG and electricity very expensive for the public.

Germany was/is one of biggest adopters of off shore/on shore wind turbine generation and solar power and that has worked so well that the cost per KWH has skyrocketed and Germany has had to restart both coalfired and nuclear power generation to meet demand. But  forcing green energy on Americans will be different, because when we do it here it'll be different because just like communism it just wasn't done right everywhere else it failed? Oh wait, electricity is more expensive in America because of green policies.

Well who gives a shit if Americans can't afford 'green' electricity to put in those 'green' electric vehicles they can't afford, it's just part of the plan because when you can control the peoples movements it makes it easier to control the people.
1908?...  1913?  Really?

The pitfalls of copying and pasting without actually reading what you cut and paste.  Probably from some link that a buddy on DU gave him - a link that he neglected to include in his post.

1908?...  1913?  Really?

Here's one to add to your list...

May 18, 2024.....  bandag had his ass handed to him.

Not just today.  It's been a weekly occurrence since he first arrived.
Just watching a Netflix documentary on volcanos ... one in the Dominican Republic spews out more sulfur dioxide in ONE WEEK than all cars in the United States do in A YEAR!   :bolt:
1908?...  1913?  Really?

Here's one to add to your list...

May 18, 2024.....  bandag had his ass handed to him.

Nearly all those accidents are from 2000 on up.   A solar panel  being taken out by hail does not kill anyone. (solar panel co's are looking at putting on small electric motors that will turn the panels vertical while a hail storm is happening) The amount of wind turbine fails are minimal.

Texas  wind turbines failed a few winters ago because the manufacturer begged ERCOT to winterize them and they refused saying it would never get that cold. Well it did.

Show me a town has to be evacuated or land destroyed because a wind turbine  failed.

You are really picking straws here.
Nice performance. Looks like AOC's ego is applying for statehood.
Take it up with the FLS in Scotland.

In other words, 'Do my research for me since I am incapable of thinking for myself'.

November 8, 2013 – Pickens County, Crude oil train derails, fire, one person evacuated[1]  .  .

I see you know how to cut and paste.  It's a pity that you have yet to learn how to think.  As for the train derailment, the only reason crude is shipped on rail cars is because liberals block each and every attempt to build pipelines.

As for the rest, we aren't out there lying to people about how using petroleum will end climate change and save the planet.  Yet that is exactly what liberals do regarding EVs, windmills, solar farms, etc.  They lie.  They lie and they lie.  Again and again.  So yes, it his hypocritical as all get out to push wind power as good for the planet.  It isn't.  It costs more.  It is unsustainable without government subsidies.  It consumes power when the wind doesn't blow.  It requires massive amounts of concrete to build which releases equal amounts of CO2 by mass into the atmosphere.  It includes significant costs in diesel to transport the blades.  And it is an eyesore.

So you can badmouth oil all you want.  But we aren't the ones being hypocrites here.  You are.
I don't think there were even a dozen of them.
It was a pretty good line by Trump.   He's no conservative in my book, but his entire campaign is about him fighting the left, so its consistent with his theme.

Jan. 27, 1908 - Lightning struck tank number 3 of the Union Oil Co. tank farm at Avila. The bolt struck at 3:30 p.m. and ignited the oil stored in the tank.[8]
October 5, 1913 - A spark from a passing locomotive was blamed for starting a fire, in a 250,000 gallon tank of distillate oil at the San Diego Standard Oil tank yard. As the oil burned it threw sparks skyward, which rained down on several other tanks nearby, igniting them. The fire burned for 2 days.[9]

1908?...  1913?  Really?

Here's one to add to your list...

May 18, 2024.....  bandag had his ass handed to him.
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