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California / Re: California’s Workers Now Want $30 Minimum Wage
« Last post by GtHawk on Today at 04:28:00 pm »
Wonder how popular $15 Big Macs will be in CA?
I don't think they are very popular at their current price point, you can bet that every fast food location that has been forced to pay the current $20 minimum is fast tracking robotics, order kiosks as well as AI or remote, as in India, order taking and I can see a location get down to less than five employees a shift, especially if they completely eliminate their dining areas and go full take out. This is the result of forcing a $20 minimum on chains with 60 or more locations in California...for now, you know the socialists won't stop until they can kill every mom and pop business in the state and drive every possible employer out that remains.
Cyber wrote:
"There are a lot more GOP than Dems here. It's the constant cheating by Democrats that make it appear to be a "blue state.""

No disrespect intended in the following reply, @Cyber.

That there are "more GOP than Dems there" is of little actual importance now.

What IS important is that the leftist/communists have seized control, and are using the power they have to solidify their grip.

As the saying goes, "the proof is in the pudding" (or the actual outcome of the election, whether The Party's election apparatus was used or not -- it DOES seem to be used there).

And "the puddin'" is that the important elections are largely being controlled by The Party down there. That is evident and irrefutable over the last 2 election cycles.

For all practical purposes, that makes Arizona "a blue state" now.

It will CEASE being a blue state when the Republican party (in which you are influential) does something to "seize back" the power The Party now holds.

It's merely obtuse speculation on my part, but I don't see how you're going to "get that back" by way of the ballot box. The last two election cycles have proven that.

BTW... I, too, live in a blue state.
The Republicans/traditional-minded folks will NEVER "get this state back", short of revolution or a total societal collapse.

As I said once to a friend, you can be "on the right side" here in CT, but by remaining here you are pretty much assenting political control to the left.
That's "the way it is" here.

I predict it may soon become your fate there, too.
This idiotic administration is obsessed with skin tone.
Yes, let's all wash our dishes and cooking pots in cold water. Good luck with all that.  *****rollingeyes*****
You just know that the so called journalist and editor that put this little bit of mental masturbation would never consider doing this themselves, this is directed at all the proletariat that are beneath their enlightened selves, you know all of America they consider stupid.
But the driver blew past the holding area and attempted to drive onto the base.

And here is how the story should have ended...'And then the armed Marine guards opened fire killing both the drive and his passenger'. FAFO!
S&P and Nasdaq beat their record highs today. Dow is about 150 pts from record high earlier this year.

Dow will be at 40,000 soon. A story today on the 'net people are taking their record profits and spending them which will help the economy.
Well with things going so well...except for all the businesses going out of business, all the people losing their full time jobs and having to work two or three part time, all the people who lose their jobs and have to go on unemployment, all the people who lose their jobs to illegals, all the food and other items people won't buy because of inflation, I guess your happy as a pig in shit and will be voting for Joe who made all this possible. I wonder if you recall how large a segment of America are living close to subsistence level that don't invest in the market and see no benefit from the market. If things are so bitchin where are all the start ups, new businesses hiring hundreds of thousands even tens of thousands of Americans? If there is so much money out there that's being spent to help the economy why the hell are we taxpayers bankrolling so much private development with our tax dollars? And finally
This January 2024 speech by Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico seems to give us the reasons for the assassination attempt upon him. Part of the reason is Fico's rejection of the WHO pandemic policy but even more because Fico called out the corruption of Ukraine aid money while decrying the senseless slaughter of that proxy war which should have been ended over two years ago had it not been for the intervention of Boris Johnson who nixed the peace agreement reached between Ukraine and Russia.

Hopefully the perp who was apprehended in the wake of the assassination attempt upon the populist Prime Minister won't be shut down by another Jack Ruby. We need to find out his motives and, more importantly, who he was working for.
Trump trial's OJ glove moment: Cohen tape undercuts prosecutors’ main story to jurors

This follows a pattern of weaknesses in Bragg’s case, which has been consistently undercut by other witnesses. But if the tapes don't fit: they must acquit.

By John Solomon and Steven Richards

Published: May 14, 2024 11:04pm

Updated: May 14, 2024 11:23pm

When Alvin Bragg's prosecutors opened their felony record-keeping trial, they promised to show the jurors that Donald Trump "orchestrated" a conspiracy to hide allegations from a porn star and another woman from voters in 2016 and disguise the source of the cash in his firm’s books.

When their star witness Michael Cohen played a tape he secretly made of his ex-boss and client, the recording appeared to show that Trump was unaware of key details, seemingly aloof to a plan that Cohen himself admitted he had concocted to make the so-called “hush money” payments.

Like the glove too small to fit OJ Simpson, the Cohen tape may prove an explosive boomerang that benefits the defense more than the prosecution. In the recordings, Trump doesn't admit to knowing the full scheme or ever mention trying to impact the elections—central components of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s charges against the former president.

If Trump didn't admit, jurors may certainly be asked to acquit. In criminal cases, the jury is required to find guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt."

“The defendant, Donald Trump, orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election; then he covered up that criminal conspiracy by lying in his New York business records over and over and over again,” prosecutor Matthew Colangelo told the jury in his opening statement, succinctly summarizing Bragg’s case.

The prosecutor laid out the case, now the witnesses would have to provide the evidence to back up these claims. However, witness after witness seemed to undercut the central components of the case: that Trump had knowledge of the payments, that he was the orchestrator, and that he was motivated by manipulating the 2016 election to win.


FBI Weaponized Security Clearances To Punish Whistleblowers
Jordan Boyd

A recently published inspector general report, paired with newly released transcripts of one FBI official’s 2023 interview with the House Judiciary Committee, shows that the FBI’s strategy for retaliating against whistleblowers involved suspending their security clearances without explanation or warning.

Jennifer Leigh Moore, who served as executive assistant director for the FBI’s human resources branch until her retirement in June 2023, told congressional investigators that she is “adamant for every employee to be treated fairly and accurately” and that her “whole management principle is around ‘be kind.’”

“No matter what we’re doing, if we’re suspending a clearance, if we’re bringing on board an employee, or if we’re at a retirement, we are always kind,” she told the House Judiciary Committee in April 2023.

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