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Computers / Re: Rant about cable internet pricing and speed
« Last post by davidhelpgop on Today at 08:13:25 am »
Thanks for the link.
Corrected link:
Computers / Re: Rant about cable internet pricing and speed
« Last post by jafo2010 on Today at 08:03:28 am »
Those of you tired of paying high cable bills, check out:

I think that is the URL for my service.  I pay $30 per month.  I get everything by streaming.  All premium movie channels, i.e like 6 HBOs, and All the others.  5,000 news channels, so if you were living just about anywhere in the world, you can now watch those channels.  I am from Pittsburgh, live in Georgia, and can see ALL the PITTSBURGH channels.

All the same for British TV too, which they have a lot of great humor.

All the sports packages, for ALL SPORTS.  Recent movies, like theater movies.  And many of the streaming services that one pays for each, like Hulu, Prime, Apple, Disney, Netflix, HBO Max, Discovery, National Geographic, Peacock, AMC, Paramount, and Starz.

There are so many things, including like 25,000 movies, and TV shows going back to the 50s.

All for $30/month, and much of it broadcast in 4K.

If any of you are interested, and the URL does not work, I can give you the telephone number of the guy I got the service from.   Send me a PM.

My neighbor got it because of certain type European soccer they stream, and that Irish sport of hurling/curling???which he enjoys from Europe.  You know the one where they sweep the ice for the disc to slide.

Streaming is the way to go!

World News / Re: Ukraine 4
« Last post by jafo2010 on Today at 07:48:51 am »
The below URL was sent to me over 1.5 months ago.  This comes from a Ukrainian friend who was in the Spetznats for Russia when he was young.

As you will see, the number of dead Russians is approaching 500,000.  Tanks, are approaching 8,000, and seeing the videos on this thread, it is no mystery.  Ukraine is kicking the sh*t out of Russian tanks.  Longevity of life for a Russian as a tank trooper in Ukraine must be like one month or less.  What a meat grinder.

To put it in perspective, the USA lost 340,000 military in 3.5 years during WWII, perhaps our most brutal modern day war excluding the Civil War.  Even Vietnam, we lost 59,000 over a 11-12 year period or so.   If you are as old as me, we watched the war and its stats every night on the nightly news, with glimpses of videos of the death and destruction.  These numbers for Russia are dramatic, but Putin is lying to the Russian people.  They have no idea what is going on.  They so desperately want to believe what their media is telling them, like 50% of the people here in the USA dancing over the outcome from yesterday.  And the numbers Russians see are nothing remotely like what are on the chart below.

Ignorance is bliss. My wife asked me how long I thought this war would go on?  I said up to about 8 more years.  It will take that long for either Putin to die, or Russia to begin running out of money.  History is repeating itself again(thinking of Russia's effort in Afghanistan in the 80s), only this time, it is costing the USA taxpayer a huge amount of money!!

And hoping Trump gets in and ends it in 24 hours like he claims.  More empty Trump rhetoric.  Just like ending the H1-b Visa Program.
Please, please, please, step into reality.  All of you.

There was a judge on TV today that said, someone like a Trump, he gets found guilty on 1-2 felonies, he would not serve jail/prison time.  BUT, having been found guilty on 34 FELONIES, he said, he is going to prison, and NOT for a token period of time.  It will be for 5 - 100 years his sentence.  And he is right.  This commie judge will at a minimum sentence Trump to a term that even with good behavior, would have him behind bars for four + years, even considering time served for good behavior.

What does the electorate do if Trump gets a sentence 8 YEARS+ in duration?  That would mean he gets out after four years with good behavior.  The UGLY TRUTH is that the DEMOCOMMIES WON A HUGE VICTORY,  AND A GIANT STEP TO TOTALITARIAN GOVERNANCE, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT.  IT IS WHAT PUTIN HAS HAD FOR 24 YEARS, AND LIKE ALL COMMUNISTS, THEY LOVE THE POWER.

I HAVE BEEN TELLING YOU ALL SINCE THE FIXED ELECTION IN 2020 THAT THE REPUBLIC IS DEAD.  Yesterday was what exactly?  I will tell you.  After a person is buried, they often mound the dirt because of settlement.  And for the occasional dead buried person, they did not put enough mounded dirt on the grave, which has sunken below ground level, so they have to come back with more dirt to level the ground to make it easy for lawn cutting.  Yesterday was just adding more dirt to the mound of the grave site for the republic.  Nothing more than that.

And even if he won, and he is serving time in prison, the optic of that has Congress doing what?  I see them using the 25th Amendment, and Trump does not serve a day.  It will take 1-2 years for his appeal to be heard on this nonsense from the totally corrupt state of New York.

Trump gets robbed a 2nd time.  And maybe, in the next following years, he dies.  He is not immortal.  And if he does not die, and he is denied, after two years in prison, he runs again maybe in 2028, and the saga continues. The UGLY TRUTH is he may well be out for a 2nd term, even if he wins in November.
He can't step down.  That basically rewards the Dems for their abuse of the legal process.  He's got to stay in the race so the voters get to signal whether they approve or disapprove of what the Democrats are doing.  And like it or not - and you and I don't - that's who primary voters selected even though they knew this was a possibility all along.   He's the GOP nominee.

I get it - They win on the political field.
But they were always going to anyway.

The problem is playing this game in political and media circles instead of where it belongs - In the Courts. He has enough ammo by now to wreck the whole upper end of the Democrats and the media with counter suits. He could make it into a small industry that would make his hospitality game look like a mom and pop joint.

He is going at it all wrong. And endangering the country for the chance to play ego games that he damn well may lose.
The Briefingroom Polls / Re: Will Trump win NY?
« Last post by jafo2010 on Today at 06:57:48 am »
I was planning to vote for Trump in November.  But I would have been gaging doing it prior to yesterday.  But after what happened yesterday, I will vote for him eagerly, but I know, the reason Biden has that sh*t eating grin he has is because even if Trump got 90% of the vote, he can't win.  HE CAN'T WIN BECAUSE IF NEED BE, SOME ONES AND ZEROES WILL BE ALTERED IN 5-10 STATES, AND BIDEN WILL WIN AGAIN.

And Trump will want to rightfully contest the outcome, and it just will not matter, because the Supreme Court will not do a damn thing under the leadership of Roberts.  NOT ONE THING!!!!!!!

All the speculation of the Democommies replacing Biden is nonsense.  He managed to pull a soviet style fix with what happened yesterday, and the UGLY TRUTH is that it brought us one more step closer to totalitarianism.


Take family court.  I was a father of three.  I got bent over by the Family Court in Pennsylvania.  By all standards, I was an excellent father.  I had no rights as a parent, I had to sue for it, which at the time, I did not have the $8,000 my attorney told me I would have to pay in legal fees to accomplish such, which he reassured me I would.  I asked about sole custody, because my ex was not all there mentally, and he said, only way a father gets sole custody in Pennsylvania would be if the mother tried to kill one or more of the children, and there were MULTIPLE witnesses, and not relatives of the father.  My youngest was 14 months from achieving age 15, and my attorney told me even if you get joint custody, after the child reaches an age of 15, the resident parent, the mother, is no longer required to provide access to the child/children.  So, he said you can spend the money, but after seeing your ex in court, you will not get to see them in 14 months.  I was so naive, I said my children will want to see me.  What I did not have a sense for, was my ex lying to my kids, for she told them I kicked them all out of the house.  I did not learn this until years later.  My ex was psychologically codependent on her mother, and she literally needed to live with her mother to be functional.  I begged her to stay in the house, begged her to go to counseling, and she said NO!  Moves to her mothers and lies to the kids.

I haven't seen them in 12 years.  They are adults, my oldest will be 44 this year, the others in their late 30s.  I had friends and family say, they will come around.  But fact is, their mother since died, and there will be no coming around.  And at this point, I don't know if I would welcome them in my life.  A lot of hard feelings.

My neighbor, his son had the same judge for his divorce.  In his case, the mother coached the oldest son, age 11, that if he killed his father, she would get him X, Y, and Z.  Boy stabs his father in the back, does not kill him.  When the boy's father discussed the events with his attorney, the attorney told him, 'no sense bringing it up in this judge's court, SHE will not care.  SHE was known as the hanging judge for fathers.  That is our fine judicial system.

Back to Trump, what do you expect when everyone involved with out government are attorneys?  That is a huge part of the problem.  ATTORNEYS control all three branches of government.  And the NOTHING GOOD from it is being manifested every day for decades, with little to no changes.  We need to end the monopoly attorneys have on our government, including judge positions.

I have actually sat in court, and this same hanging judge(an attorney first) turned to my attorney, because SHE DID NOT KNOW THE LAW AS IT PERTAINED TO THE TWO CASES AHEAD OF MINE.  SHE SOUGHT COUNSEL FROM MY ATTORNEY, WHILE I WAS PAYING FOR HIM HOURLY.  UGGGGH!!!   The injustice of it all.   I hate lawyers.  Overrated, and all they care about is money, not producing results.
The Briefingroom Polls / Re: Will Trump win NY?
« Last post by jafo2010 on Today at 06:27:09 am »
You stated before your disagreement for Donald Trump increasing the H1B visa program. I’m genuinely curious as to why you disagree . At the hospital  I work at, we have doctors that are working here on a visa that are very capable and are helping meet the need for more medical staff.

FACT:  Trump with the 2016 promised two primary goals when he ran:

    1.  Build a wall on the southern border.  He built 440 miles on a 2,000 mile border

             HE FAILED    Not just his fault, for his own Republican Congress did not support him.  They did not provide
                                the funds, and he had to get creative, robbing the military budget to do what he did.

    2.  End the H1-b Visa Program  -  DAY ONE  - 

             HE FAILED HUGE  -  How you ask?  5-6 months in, he met with the tech billionaires, emerged and increased
                                           the number to 1.6 million folks

Now, LMAO, I suppose you are not paying attention to the news, or you are insensitive to other industries in America.  How can I say this?  Simple.  Answer this simple question:

     TO BE REPLACED LARGELY BY FOLKS FROM INDIA?  I do not need your response.  IT IS ZERO

      response.  ANSWER:  ZERO

I work in that industry.  And the last three projects, funded with USA taxpayer dollars, had numbers like the following:

      120 folks doing development
         10 - 20  USA citizens
              100 folks in the USA on H1-b Visas, almost exclusively from India, working at 30-50% of the USA equivalent
              for salary, no benefits
         20 - 50 folks in one of the three following:  India, China, or Ukraine, my guess getting a high salary of around $30,000

I know you have read prior posting by me.  The insensitivity of folks is no excuse to understand the rot of what is going on.

Are you  aware there are federal laws, prohibiting companies hiring a foreigner to fill a position that can be filled by a USA
citizen or resident in the USA?  Yeah, a law that is being conveniently ignored by the pukes that run our federal government,
including Trump when he was POTUS.

That is why, when he said he would end the H1-b Visa Program DAY ONE, it was music to my ears, and to the ears of friends, who being USA citizens have been displaced and replaced by low cost foreigners, almost exclusively from India.

I CONSIDER EXECUTIVES IGNORING THIS LAW ARE COMMITTING A FELONY IN MY MIND.  A huge transgression against our own fellow citizens.  And I am talking about huge companies, i.e. DISNEY, who fired their tech folks, forcing them to train the people from India to take their jobs.  BTW, Disney is owned by Warren Buffett via Berkshire Hathaway!

How would you like to lose your job, and 1 million USA citizens in healthcare in the US, and be replaced by folks from India?  That day could be next year.  They could fast track a program for 1 million folks to get certified to practice medicine, be nurses, etc if they decided to respond favorably to the hospital lobby for reducing cost.

And if you know anything about the healthcare field, if we have a shortage of physicians or nurses in the USA, that is largely the doing of AMA physicians that intentionally keep the numbers in our own medical schools low.  And the AMA does control that.

I have found most people in the healthcare industry know little to nothing about the history of healthcare in the USA.  Are you aware that before 1914, homeopathic medicine had just as many medical schools as the AMA type of medicine.  Homeopathy was actually the favored form of medicine at that time.  And what happened?  In 1914, the AMA gained political influence over the US Congress, and they forced homeopathic medicine out of existence.  Literally.  Now in recent decades, homeopathy is making a come back.  I know a number of physicians that are homeopaths, or even AMA physicians that are also homeopathic trained.  There is a reason for this.

If we continue to allow the H1-b Visa Program to be used to DISPLACE USA citizens, it is only a matter of time before USA citizens in your industry will be displaced.  You could be out on your *ss like 1 million+++ folks in the tech industry.  Without the 1 million +++ folks from India taking jobs away from Americans, I could work until I was 100, with having a choice where I can work.  But with the H1-b Visa folks displacing those of us in the tech industry, work is hard to find.  And it is NOT because of competency levels.  Fact is, many of these people from India have lied about their skill set, but once here, and companies pay huge fees to bring them, they have invested so much money, they can't flush the foreigner.

I can't see Trump serving time in lieu of his Presidential campaign but then again I wasn't sure he'd be convicted so who knows? Locking up a candidate for a non-issue like his "crime".
I really need to revisit my own options, i hate dealing with this crap to my own detriment.
Computers / Re: Rant about cable internet pricing and speed
« Last post by davidhelpgop on Today at 04:58:35 am »
I did mention retention but I was afraid they would call my bluff and disconnect me. I live in an apt and even though ATT fiber line runs past the place they cannot connect.
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