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Less than 1% of taxpayers will be affected

Uh, no.  Job creators will change their behavior over changes in the tax code.  There is a basic rule of life that liberals are completely oblivious of.  It's called "human nature".  When a person enters in to a 44% tax bracket, they are less inclined to take risks, to work more hours, to engage in new ventures.  And that affects those who would have benefitted from those ventures.  People who would have been hired, but now go wanting because some idiot leftist with no concept of human nature figured they would just work even harder putting in more hours so that they could make the same amount as before.

But hey, why stop at 44%?  Why not make it 100%?  That's what you really want.  What better way to satisfy your personal envy than to take it all.  The only problem with that is that with a 100% tax rate, your tax revenues would fall to zero.  But again, liberals are too stupid to figure that one out until after the fact.
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