The Briefing Room

General Category => Editorial/Opinion/Blogs => Topic started by: mystery-ak on October 24, 2014, 05:30:02 pm

Title: Dereliction Of Duty – The Obama White House Legacy....DW Ulsterman
Post by: mystery-ak on October 24, 2014, 05:30:02 pm (

Dereliction Of Duty – The Obama White House Legacy

Whether intended or not, the lasting legacy of the Obama administration will be one of stunning dereliction of duty. Yesterday’s news of a confirmed case of Ebola in New York City, combined with still developing reports of another possible Ebola case in Nashville, points to a White House and a federal government that is repeatedly lying to the American public, putting politics over safety, and being led by perhaps the most divisive and incompetent presidential administration in generations.

Reader, this is the message that must be repeated to everyone you know as the country prepares for the November elections. Please share, please inform, and please do all you can to help ensure the current crop of Washington D.C. politicians are sent a very powerful and clear message of just how disgusted this country has become of them.


Remember it was just a few weeks ago that Barack Obama stood before the public and said this: (

Since that time, there were multiple outbreaks in Dallas, including Ebola patients who then took commercial flights inside the United States. Yesterday media reported on another Ebola patient now in New York, Craig Spencer, a doctor who had been treating Ebola victims in West Africa. This doctor was allowed to fly back to the United States via a commercial flight, passed the “enhanced” screening process the administration claimed to have put in place, and then walked among his fellow New Yorkers, travelling the subways and sidewalks for several days before calling the hospital after realizing he had fallen ill himself.


Late yesterday New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, both Democrats, praised how the system “worked” and just as Barack Obama had done three weeks earlier, seemed to shrug off the public’s understandable concern that yet another outbreak of one of the deadliest viruses known to humankind, had made its way to America’s largest city.


This isn’t leadership – it’s stunning, inconceivable dereliction of duty, a dereliction that seems to have permeated nearly every facet of the federal government.


Over two dozen other nations have banned flights from Ebola stricken countries until such time as the outbreak is under control. Health experts in the United States, as well as a number of high ranking political leaders (nearly all of them Republican) have called for President Obama to do the same. The White House has refused to do so, claiming protocols were put in place to protect the United States.


Whatever those protocols might have been, they clearly failed – AGAIN.


Terrorism now walks among us. Ebola was not the only thing to visit New York yesterday. A radicalized Muslim took a hatchet to a group of New York police officers standing outside on a sidewalk. One officer who was struck in the skull with the weapon remains in critical condition. Then there was the mother and grandmother who lost her life in Oklahoma a few weeks earlier to radicalized Muslim. And don’t forget the case of Ali Muhammad Brown, an alleged Jihadist serial killer suspected of taking the lives of  three people in Washington State and another in New Jersey for what he described to authorities as “crimes against the Middle East.” 


The administration refuses to call these atrocities perpetrated against American citizens acts of terrorism. Just as they continue to deny that designation for the 2009 Fort Hood Shootings carried out by Nidal Malik Hasan that killed 13 people and injured more than 30 others. Hasan has since declared himself a devoted follower of ISIS, and yet the Obama administration maintains what happened at Fort Hood on that terrible day to be nothing more than “work place violence.” 


This same detachment from reality is what seemingly allows two high ranking Democrats, de Blasio and Cuomo, to sit down at a press conference and clap one another on the backs and declare “job well done” while at the same time telling the world an Ebola infected American was allowed to re-enter the United States from West Africa, an allowance that puts many more New Yorkers at risk.


As I watched those two politicians declare multiple times that “the system worked”, I could not help but be reminded of Detective Frank Drebin trying to convince a gathered crowd witnessing the multiple explosions of a fireworks factory with the repeated line that “there is nothing to see here!” (

This isn’t the movies though, it’s life and death. The Obama federal government has repeatedly proven itself incapable, or unwilling, to protect the American public.  It was just a couple months ago that Barack Obama gave comments regarding the beheading of American citizen James Foley, and then within minutes was running to the golf course and seen laughing it up with his foursome.


Barack Obama is a president seemingly detached from reality. HE JUST DOESN’T CARE about anyone or anything other than himself and his own political agenda. If Ebola or terrorism threats pose a risk to his own credibility, he ignores those threats and then the White House pushes Democrats and the Mainstream Media to do the same.


That means its up to YOU, reader to send Washington D.C. a message this November. This kind of dereliction of duty cannot be allowed to stand unchallenged. Your vote, and the votes of those you know who you have taken just a moment to enlighten others as to what is really going on in this country today, can make a significant contribution to the effort of taking America back from the petulant and preening D.C. politicians.


November 4th, 2014.


Take it back.

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October 24, 2014