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He is right; the Republican party has proven to be worthless; all words and no action.

Not looking to start an argument, but...can you not see the contradiction?

The Democrats fight as one organism.  And NOTHING is off the table.  Disagree with The Party and you're threatened with no campaign dollars.  You become a persona non grata.

The Republicans are the complete opposite.  A complete Party comprised of independent thinkers/voters.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" describe the GOP, while the Democrat Party are "Thugs" where indeed, "Resistance is Futile".

Of course, INFORMATION DOMINANCE is a primary factor.


The very first thing President Trump should do come Inauguration Day afternoon is to appoint a vindictive, revenge-filled Attorney General.

The very next day after confirmation is to have no less than 2 dozen high-ranking...high-profile Democrats rounded up by Federal Marshall SWAT well as 2 dozen mainstream media editors and corporate board members.

Whisk them off to Guantanamo Bay and begin military tribunals and try them for TREASON and INSURRECTION against the Republic.

Start with the Kenyan along with the heads of the alphabet Intelligence agencies.
 Joe Biden’s looming presence over Hunter’s trial serves as a warning to their political enemies
By Social Links for Miranda Devine
Published June 2, 2024, 10:06 p.m. ET

The president flew into Wilmington, Del., on Sunday night, where his 54-year-old son’s felony gun trial begins Monday, and will spend the whole day there with no official duties.

Joe Biden’s looming presence in the strange small city leaves nobody in any doubt of the message he is sending to Delaware special counsel David Weiss, the prosecutors, the judge, and the jury pool being chosen Monday: You mess with my son, you mess with me.

It’s all very subtle, in a flagrant way, much like Joe’s impromptu visit to Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau and former lover of Hunter, just nine days before his son’s trial, at which she is the star witness for the prosecution.
It was Hallie who threw Hunter’s new handgun in a trash can in October 2018 out of concern for his drug-addled mental state, creating a ticking legal time bomb that would propel him into court six years later.

It was Hallie who found drugs and drug paraphernalia in his truck. Hallie, 50, even shared his crack addiction for a time, amid multiple drug rehab efforts.


Joe looking for a better poll numbers.  Do dead cats bounce?
No way, no how, not a chance will Biden carry Florida
Joe, this should have been done long ago Joe before you allowed millions to overtake our cities.  Next you'll try to convince us that our border is more secure than it has ever been.  *****rollingeyes*****

Build a wall and start massive deportation.  NO AMNESTY!  You had materials to finish the wall when you first took office, what happened???
 Mike Johnson belittles possible Biden executive action on immigration

“He’s trying to desperately show the American people somehow that he wants to address the issue that he himself created,” the House Speaker said.

By David Cohen

06/02/2024 01:35 PM EDT

Updated: 06/02/2024 05:28 PM EDT

House Speaker Mike Johnson said Sunday that executive action by President Joe Biden on immigration would be “too little, too late.”

Speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” the Louisiana Republican said of Biden: “He’s trying to desperately show the American people somehow that he wants to address the issue that he himself created.”

Though border crossings have declined in recent months, Biden is expected to sign an executive order in the coming days designed to improve processes now in use on the southern border. One continuing issue is that anyone can show up at the border and ask for asylum, launching an official process that generally sees them released into the United States to await verification and adjudication.

Speaking to host Shannon Bream, Johnson said Sunday of the president: “The only reason he’s doing that is because the polls say that it’s the biggest issue in America. Every state’s a border state,” offering a phrase that has been widely used by Republicans on the 2024 campaign trail.

Texas / Re: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
« Last post by Free Vulcan on Today at 01:52:39 pm »
Zero sympathy till she gives up her seat. Otherwise screw her. My guess she'll hang on right up to her grave.
I could be adbudcted by a UFO as early as Tuesday.

Too little.  Too Late.  Too duplicitous.  Too insincere.
He is right; the Republican party has proven to be worthless; all words and no action.
President Biden issues statement as trial kicks off

President Biden issued a statement as his son, Hunter Biden, faces trial over federal gun charges.

“I am the President, but I am also a Dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today. Hunter’s resilience in the face of adversity and the strength he has brought to his recovery are inspiring to us. A lot of families have loved ones who have overcome addiction and know what we mean," Biden said. "As the President, I don’t and won’t comment on pending federal cases, but as a Dad, I have boundless love for my son, confidence in him, and respect for his strength. Our family has been through a lot together, and Jill and I are going to continue to be there for Hunter and our family with our love and support.”
Posted by Michael Lee
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