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Question....Why is "everybody" panicking over the drop in gold price the past two days?


Question....Why is "everybody" panicking over the drop in gold price the past two days?

They are saying that anybody that purchased gold since April 2011 has lost money....and that the safest (Hardy Har Har) place is the stock market.   :silly:

Now I don't own any gold as investments, but the stock market is being propped up by the Fed...which spends $83 Billion per month subsidizing stockholders. about a house of cards.


--- Quote from: DCPatriot on April 15, 2013, 04:40:44 pm ---Question....Why is "everybody" panicking over the drop in gold price the past two days?

They are saying that anybody that purchased gold since April 2011 has lost money....and that the safest (Hardy Har Har) place is the stock market.   :silly:

Now I don't own any gold as investments, but the stock market is being propped up by the Fed...which spends $83 Billion per month subsidizing stockholders. about a house of cards.

--- End quote ---

You are ABSOLUTELY right!  I'm out of the market and will stay out indefinitely!


--- Quote from: DCPatriot on April 15, 2013, 04:40:44 pm ---They are saying that anybody that purchased gold since April 2011 has lost money....and that the safest (Hardy Har Har) place is the stock market.   :silly:

--- End quote ---

The next step will be to crash the stock market and say that the 'safest' place for your 401k is in US Gov't debt (the supply of which is going vertical).

There truly is no end to the theft of honest people's assets.

The only ones who have been panicking are the people who don't understand how a market system works. Nothing is a truly "safe" investment. Everything rises and falls in value relative to other things. The problem is that the goldbugs had a lot of people convinced that gold was somehow exempt from that, that the fact that its supply cannot be expanded ensured that it would never, in the long term, lose value. Of course, that neglects demand and the value of everything around gold. Gold, outside of corrosion-proof cable connectors and jewelry, has very little practical use. So, with neutral supply, and neutral demand, it becomes a trader's toy, something that people think is valuable but, in reality, isn't.

Flashback: Warning: “Watch The Metals, When They Dip. It Will Be A Good Indication That Things Are About To Happen.”

As of this print the price of gold is reaching fresh two year lows, down nearly 25% from its all time high just six months ago. Though uninformed onlookers and financial pundits may see this as the popping of the proverbial gold bubble, the velocity and scale of the take-down in precious metals suggests that there is a massive assault in the works. According to former Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, last Friday’s price drop was the result of some 500 tons of gold being dumped onto paper markets, an amount equal to about $25 Billion dollars worth of the metal. Likewise, silver saw a similar dump and price drop. Moreover, the very same thing is taking place this morning, suggesting that some very large and influential market makers are involved.

Who has that kind of money and can afford to lose it in naked short positions? According to Paul Craig Roberts, “only a central bank that can print it.”

Thus, one must assume that this is not a natural effect of the free market, but rather, a coordinated attack on the global precious metals exchange orchestrated by our very own Federal Reserve, an organization run by a board of directors that includes representatives from some of the world’s largest banking institutions.

What’s most alarming about the collapse of gold and silver is that it was predicted in December of 2012 by a Department of Homeland Security Insider. In an interview with Doug Hagmann at the Northeast Intelligence Network, the insider warned that life for the average America would change drastically, and soon, and that this change would be preceded by various events, one of which is a major dip in precious metals:

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