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Afghanistan’s Top Clerics Warn “Infidel” Americans To Heed Karzai’s Demands…



Afghanistan’s Top Clerics Warn “Infidel” Americans To Heed Karzai’s Demands…

Time to go, and maybe drop a few daisy cutters on the way out.

Via PressTV:

    Escalating the rift in U.S.-Afghan relations, Afghan clerics warned Saturday that Americans will be treated as invaders unless Washington heeds President Hamid Karzai’s latest demands.

    “Allah has never allowed Muslims to accept the sovereignty and rule of the infidels,” the National Ulema Council said in a statement.

    Karzai clashed with the U.S. in recent weeks over several issues that he views as disrespect for Afghan sovereignty, such as the American failure to comply with his deadlines to withdraw Special Operations Forces from the province of Wardak and to hand over Afghan detainees at the U.S.-run Bagram detention facility.

    The relationship suffered a blow last Sunday, when Karzai said that the Taliban were “in the service of America,” working to prolong foreign military presence. The top coalition commander, U.S. Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, in response put his forces on heightened alert, warning in an advisory that Karzai’s “inflammatory” rhetoric could spur attacks on American troops, officials said.

    Karzai’s demands on Bagram, Wardak, and other issues “needed to protect the sovereignty and independence of our own country are the voice of the Muslim Afghan nation,” the statement added.

    Failure to heed these demands, the Ulema Council warned, will be interpreted as “the occupation” of Afghanistan and Americans will be responsible for the consequences.

Now here's an interesting thought considering how many Muslims we are permitting to enter our country.

"“Allah has never allowed Muslims to accept the sovereignty and rule of the infidels,” the National Ulema Council said in a statement."


--- Quote from: Cincinnatus on March 18, 2013, 12:49:17 am ---Now here's an interesting thought considering how many Muslims we are permitting to enter our country.

"“Allah has never allowed Muslims to accept the sovereignty and rule of the infidels,” the National Ulema Council said in a statement."

--- End quote ---
Hmmmmmm.  Smells like the odor of Sharia hanging in the air.

That Smell:  Lynyrd Skynrd

Bruce H:
This is why from day one we should have been killing clerics. They and their hate preaching to the uneducated is the problem.


--- Quote from: Bruce H on March 22, 2013, 09:34:00 pm ---This is why from day one we should have been killing clerics. They and their hate preaching to the uneducated is the problem.

--- End quote ---

Quote from General James Mattis, USMC (CENTCOM)

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you bleep with me, I'll kill you all"


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