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“Insider” attack this morning



“Insider” attack this morning
March 11th, 2013

This morning, the Washington Post is reporting that an Afghan in a police uniform opened fire in a police station in Wardak province, killing three policemen and two US troops;

    Monday’s incident in Wardak province appears to be the latest in a series of insider attacks against coalition and Afghan forces. It comes a day after a deadline given by Afghans for U.S. special forces to withdraw from the province.

    Deputy provincial Police Chief Abdul Razaq Koraishi says three Afghan officers were killed. A coalition military official says two U.S. forces were killed. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to disclose information pending an official statement

Yeah, Wardak is where Karzai said last weekend that he wanted special forces troops out. I’m pretty sure this is the second incident of it’s type this year which is better than last year, somewhat, but that’s little comfort to the families of these two casualties.

But.... didn't Karzai say our troops are the problem?

It certainly is reassuring to observe that in 1945 the United States of America knew how to subdue and pacify Germany and Japan, on different continents, at the same time. An important element with Germany was "denazification" whereby we assured that those still holding hostile intents were found and detained.

Both were much more populous than Afghanistan and Iraq combined.

Yet today more than eleven years after the 9-11-2001 attacks, planned from Afghan soil, we appear incapable of subduing and pacifying Afghanistan.

We are sacrificing the limbs and lives of Americans, to avoid waging an all out war to the end with the enemy.

Apparently there are those, smarter than us, like Hagel, Petreaus, Obama, Biden, who get this, but I don't. 


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