Author Topic: Congressman on inflation: ‘Ben Bernanke is not going to the grocery store’ [VIDEO]  (Read 1461 times)

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Congressman on inflation: ‘Ben Bernanke is not going to the grocery store’ [VIDEO]

Posted By Grae Stafford On 4:57 AM 03/10/2013 @ 4:57 AM

In an interview with the Daily Caller’s Ginni Thomas, freshman Oklahoma Rep. Jim Bridenstine suggested that Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, is out of touch with the economic concerns of everyday Americans.

“If you hear the president talk about inflation, he’ll say, ‘Well Inflation is at 2 percent.’ I just saw Ben Bernanke on television yesterday talk about how inflation is low. Well, Ben Bernanke is not going to the grocery store. I mean if he was [sic], then he’d see that, you know, a gallon of milk is pretty expensive.”

Bridenstine also took pointed aim at President Barack Obama and Congress.

“The president’s policies adversely affect the poor, and they adversely affect seniors on fixed income. And when those people are hurting, what does the president do? He’s going to figure out a plan — some government program — to redistribute the wealth, blame the private sector, and then we’re going to have more government control in the markets.”

Look for more segments of Bridenstine’s interview with Thomas this week, exclusively on The Daily Caller.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Milk - and a lot of other things - are getting more expensive.  but a parasite like Obama who sucks the lifeblood from the public teat wouldn't know about that.

Offline Rapunzel

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Bernanke doesn't seem to know or care, either.  They just play with the way the numbers are calculated to try and keep the media from reporting what the rest of us know all too well.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline happyg

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Around here, milk costs between $2.59 - $2.99 a gallon, to draw in customers. Everything else is almost unaffordable. I made chili soup last night, and tomato juice was 2.09 a can, and hamburger was $3.99 a lb. Everything in the grocery store is higher and the packages are smaller. I've been making a lot of things that can be frozen. I will freeze what soup doesn't get eaten, but since it is chili, the kids can smell it miles away.  :silly:

Online mountaineer

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The price of gasoline has doubled since Obummer first was inaugurated. Meat and produce prices are up substantially. Of course, when Bernanke calculates inflation by leaving out fuel and food, it's easy to say it isn't so bad.
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Offline raml

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As long as they keep interest rates low and the printing of money constant we are going to have inflation. Also with interest rates so low there are no real good places to put your money to gain a better income from it unless it is the stock market. Yet seniors who have the most money to invest usually don't like to put their money into the market since they want extra income that is less risky than the market since they no longer can go out and earn a living to replace what they could lose. The inflation is going to get worse. We all pay for the mistakes our government is doing what really makes me irritated is that our government knows this isn't good for the economy but keeps doing the same bad policies. We are screwed folks and nothing can be done about it as long as we have rhino republicans running the house and democrats running the senate.