General Category > Economy/Jobs/Business

Almost everything you buy is owned by top ten companies

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Yeah, but it's produced in China.

The food items, at least, are made in USA, aren't they? In any event, it doesn't really bother me that conglomerates exist.


--- Quote from: mountaineer on February 26, 2013, 10:53:30 pm ---The food items, at least, are made in USA, aren't they? In any event, it doesn't really bother me that conglomerates exist.

--- End quote ---

Fresh food items certainly.  Canned/preserved and staples?  Not always.  Coffee, for example, is frequently imported.  As far as conglomerates - so long as they don't use their power to suppress competition or to buy democrat party politicians to suppress competition for them I don't really care either.

Certain commodities, especially coffee and winter fruits, must be imported because the USA desn't have the climate to grow it.

I do notice the  chart only covers the name brands. So while they certainly have reach, I'd definitely think knockoffs and store brands cover more than 10% of the market. That being said, judging by the brand associations and brandings, this is a British chart and I don't know how extensive store brands are in the UK.


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