General Category > Economy/Jobs/Business
Almost everything you buy is owned by top ten companies
Yeah, but it's produced in China.
The food items, at least, are made in USA, aren't they? In any event, it doesn't really bother me that conglomerates exist.
--- Quote from: mountaineer on February 26, 2013, 10:53:30 pm ---The food items, at least, are made in USA, aren't they? In any event, it doesn't really bother me that conglomerates exist.
--- End quote ---
Fresh food items certainly. Canned/preserved and staples? Not always. Coffee, for example, is frequently imported. As far as conglomerates - so long as they don't use their power to suppress competition or to buy democrat party politicians to suppress competition for them I don't really care either.
Certain commodities, especially coffee and winter fruits, must be imported because the USA desn't have the climate to grow it.
I do notice the chart only covers the name brands. So while they certainly have reach, I'd definitely think knockoffs and store brands cover more than 10% of the market. That being said, judging by the brand associations and brandings, this is a British chart and I don't know how extensive store brands are in the UK.
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