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11 states with more people on welfare than employed

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Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2011, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support. What’s the problem with that much support? Well, the median household income in America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while the average job pays $25.00 an hour.

quite a few RED states there....

Lipstick on a Hillary:
South Carolina???? 


--- Quote from: Lipstick on a Hillary on February 25, 2013, 06:07:06 pm ---South Carolina????

--- End quote ---

Does R4Whoever have a job there yet?  We wouldn't want her to bring the state down.


--- Quote ---To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while the average job pays $25.00 an hour.
--- End quote ---
It's worse than that. The statistic specifically cites those under the poverty line, and not all of us receive government assistance. Many of us just live modestly. (I know there are statistics for this, but I don't have them off the top of my head so I don't know how many of us there are relative to the total population.) So that means those that are are also receiving "our" share on top of the $30/hr mentioned here.

But heaven forbid we touch those programs. Heaven forbid we cut off obese people from getting food stamps, as I've proposed before. (That would have a tremendous impact in AL, MS, SC-- three of the states mentioned here.)


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