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Curling Iron Demonstration Gone Wrong

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--- Quote from: Rapunzel on February 23, 2013, 02:46:36 am ---Well... untill ya'll go bald ~LOL~

The look on her face was beyond priceless.....

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Bald's even better!  Then there's nothing to do but make sure you keep a little sunscreen on it when you're not wearing a hat.  I shaved my head in undergrad for a while and I can tell you, it was easy peasy.


--- Quote from: Atomic Cow on February 23, 2013, 02:51:35 am ---Unfortunately my DNA says that will be sooner rather than later.  I seem to have inherited every bad thing possible from both parents.

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If you start to lose it, just go with it and either keep it cropped really close military style, or shave it.  Shaved looks so much better than "trying to hide it."


--- Quote from: Oceander on February 23, 2013, 03:42:00 am ---If you start to lose it, just go with it and either keep it cropped really close military style, or shave it.  Shaved looks so much better than "trying to hide it."

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Just LOVE those comb-overs - not.


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