I felt so sorry for her.. but had to laugh because years ago I "brilliantly decided that I would both color AND perm my hair the same night.. my husband was smart enough to ask me if I thought that was a good idea.. I said - oh I have really strong hair... nooooooooooooo problem......
Back in those days women had to sleep in roller (than GOD those days are long gone) and the next morning I proceeded to take the rollers out of my hair and unfortunately the hair stayed on the rollers - not my head. My husband had the same shocked look as the girl in this video on his face (he KNEW better than to laugh! much less say "I told you so")....... needless to say before I could go to work that day I had to first go to Bullocks and buy a wig...... lesson learned... in addition to no more sleeping on rollers I think now - what were we thinking getting perms back then.