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Chris Kyle grave site

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I'm glad you guys enjoyed the pictures.

A part of our hearts are buried with this hero.

Praying for his family and friends.

Wow, great photos. Thanks for sharing. I plan to stop by on my next trip down there. I wish I could have been at the memorial. I am glad Texas gave him a Texas sized send-off as much of the rest of the nation ignored it. If people haven't seen images of the procession from Dallas to Austin, it is amazing. Every overpass had flags and every car stopped on the side of the road as it went by. Massive amount of respect.


--- Quote from: mountaineer on February 20, 2013, 07:33:26 pm ---Too bad no one in the administration could acknowledge his loss.

--- End quote ---

Not even a half-staff flag.


--- Quote from: Rivergirl on February 21, 2013, 12:08:36 am ---A part of our hearts are buried with this hero.

Praying for his family and friends.

--- End quote ---

That is why I have avoided looking at  or commenting on this thread until now. Can't keep my eyes dry.


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