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Ayn Rand and/or Atlas Shrugged Quotes to ponder

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This is an interesting thread.  She was a very complex and fascinating woman.  I watched the movie made about the period of time she was writing Atlas Shrugged - The Passion of Ayn Rand - a couple of months ago, I did some further reading and it seems the movie was historically accurate....  it piqued my interest in her writings all over again.

Rand was capable of some brilliant thoughts and devastating insights about collectivism but she could also be extraordinarily petty; in her private life did not practice what she preached (just try contradicting her); was a fanatically devout atheist; and carried on a long time affair with a married man (which says a great deal about her moral standards outside the boundaries of a religious like devotion to capitalism).   

Yes, she was indeed "was a very complex and fascinating woman", a rigorous thinker in many ways, a hypocrite and libertine in others.


--- Quote from: Cincinnatus on February 06, 2013, 08:25:48 pm ---Rand was capable of some brilliant thoughts and devastating insights about collectivism but she could also be extraordinarily petty; in her private life did not practice what she preached (just try contradicting her); was a fanatically devout atheist; and carried on a long time affair with a married man (which says a great deal about her moral standards outside the boundaries of a religious like devotion to capitalism).   

Yes, she was indeed "was a very complex and fascinating woman", a rigorous thinker in many ways, a hypocrite and libertine in others.

--- End quote ---

Exactly!  Which is why the movie of her life during this period fascinated me... hard to equate the person who wrote Atlas with her personal life.


--- Quote from: Bigun on February 06, 2013, 05:56:47 pm ---"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality" -- Ayn Rand

--- End quote ---
That one is spot on.

Interesting development, although it appears from the story the legislator at issue isn't quite serious about this but has another agenda entirely. Too bad.

Reading Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" may become a requirement for high school graduation in Idaho if Coeur d'Alene Senator John Goedde, chairman of the Idaho Senate's Education Committee, decides to pursue the matter.
Goedde introduced a bill with the requirement but doesn't appear serious about pushing it:...

Goedde said he doesn't plan to press forward with the bill, but it was formally introduced in his committee Tuesday on a voice vote. He said he was sending a message to the State Board of Education, because he's unhappy with its recent move to repeal a rule requiring two online courses to graduate from high school, and with its decision to back off on another planned rule regarding principal evaluations.
"It was a shot over their bow just to let them know that there's another way to adopt high school graduation requirements," Goedde said after the meeting. "I don't intend to schedule a hearing on it."

Just a side note, apropos of nothing. I have always loved the name of that city, Coeur d'Alene. Just so pretty.

Ok, carry on.



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