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Colonel Allen West: Maintain Same Standards For Men And Women In Combat



January 26, 2013
Colonel Allen West: Maintain Same Standards For Men And Women In Combat


One of the country’s leading politico’s who is raising questions about the recent lifting of the ban on women serving in combat, such as in infantry and artillery units is former Congressman  and current Director of Next Generation programming for PJTV, Allen West.

We asked West if female soldiers wanting to serve in these combat units should have to match up to their male counterparts. West stated that “it should be the same standard.”

The standards should be the same, and with all due respect, I think that that's mostly what the women who hate the ban on serving in combat want:  they want to be treated as equals with their male comrades-in-arms.


--- Quote from: Oceander on January 27, 2013, 01:13:26 pm ---The standards should be the same, and with all due respect, I think that that's mostly what the women who hate the ban on serving in combat want:  they want to be treated as equals with their male comrades-in-arms.

--- End quote ---

Of course, they should be the same. Some women can do it, but the majority cannot, and will not do it. They will be the ones to scream 'discrimination', and get congress in an uproar. A person doesn't even need to study the issue because all the faults stand out so much.

Col. West must be unaware that the current standards are not the same for men and women.


--- Quote from: Rivergirl on January 27, 2013, 09:48:34 pm ---Col. West must be unaware that the current standards are not the same for men and women.

--- End quote ---

Yea but there are more discriminations than just the standards. In one of my platoons we formed up every morning at 6 for PT and a 5 mile run, sometimes with packs, sometimes without.

The girls were required to be there most of the time and had to at least fake doing the PT, but they were almost always dismissed before the run. They always had some excuse why they couldn't go and any excuse was immediately accepted.

I was running alongside some girl on the way to our run track about three miles away which was giant steep hills and mud and sand and PT stations along the route. On the way there she says, "What is this? Are we almost done?" We had run about two miles by then on the way to where the run starts.

I started laughing and said, "We haven't even started yet." But the more significant thing that hit me was that she had been stationed with us at that time for a little less than six months and had never done the run before.

Anyone who says that women and men are treated the same in the military is stupid, delusional, or just a liar. It just can't happen. That girl I was running with weighed as much as my pack, gear, and wepons. It is just stupid to think that men and women are the same. They are simply not.


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