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Women in combat roles backed, poll says

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 Women in combat roles backed, poll says
By: Kevin Robillard
January 25, 2013 06:34 PM EST

Americans overwhelmingly support allowing women to serve in combat, a poll released Friday says.

Seventy-four percent of adults would vote to allow women to serve in combat, and only 20 percent would vote against, according to the Gallup poll. Support is strong among both women (76 percent) and men (73 percent). Democrats are more likely to favor the proposal than Republicans, 83 percent to 70 percent.

Gallup has changed the wording of its questions on women in combat over the years, but has generally found majority support for the idea since 1992.

The poll of 513 adults was conducted on Jan. 24. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 6 percentage points.

Atomic Cow:
The American public is simply stupid.

Wait until the first woman POW is shown being tortured.  Of course, somehow, they'll blame Republicans.


--- Quote from: Atomic Cow on January 26, 2013, 03:13:43 am ---The American public is simply stupid.

Wait until the first woman POW is shown being tortured.  Of course, somehow, they'll blame Republicans.

--- End quote ---

That's already happened...and for the life of me I cannot remember her was in the early part of the Iraq war when her NG unit was attacked and she was captured....a SF team rescued her and the press turned her into a hero at the time.....what is her name????

Atomic Cow:

--- Quote from: mystery-ak on January 26, 2013, 03:19:30 am ---
That's already happened...and for the life of me I cannot remember her was in the early part of the Iraq war when her NG unit was attacked and she was captured....a SF team rescued her and the press turned her into a hero at the time.....what is her name????
--- End quote ---

Jessica Lynch

But we never saw videos/images released by the enemy showing torture.  That is what is going to happen, especially if the enemy are Islamists.

Every female solider better save one hand grenade, for herself.


--- Quote from: Atomic Cow on January 26, 2013, 03:23:44 am ---Jessica Lynch

But we never saw videos/images released by the enemy showing torture.  That is what is going to happen, especially if the enemy are Islamists.

Every female solider better save one hand grenade, for herself.

--- End quote --- mind went blank.....


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