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Women must meet same physical standards as men under new order
Women must meet same physical standards as men under new order
Jim Michaels, USA TODAY2:40p.m. EST January 24, 2013
WASHINGTON - The military will not need to lower its physical standards as it opens direct combat jobs to women, senior military officials said Thursday.
The new order by the Pentagon, issued Wednesday, will open as many as 237,000 new jobs to women.
But military officials said the occupations, such as infantry and artillery, have exacting physical requirements that will not be altered.
The military has different physical standards at Army and Marine basic training. But for those trying to get into the infantry and other combat arms specialties the standards for men and women would be the same.
Women must meet same physical standards as men under new order
For now.
Unless they can find some East German female shot putters, that may be difficult. As C. implied, the standards simply will just have to be changed, in the interest of fairness.
...the standards simply will just have to be changed, in the interest of fairness.
Somehow applying the same standards will be found to be discriminatory.
"Women must meet same physical standards as men under new order"
And they will. Once they lower the standards so women can pass. Saw it back in the day. We did 25 pushups, they did 15-from the knees. We ran a mile in boots in 8 or 10 minutes. they did it in 15 in sneakers. And because they threw like girls, they ditched the grenade throw from the PT test. And since most of them are built like girls, they threw out the man carry, too.
In the military, the mission MUST be accomplished :whistle:. So if Panetta says women will succeed in combat roles, they will :pondering:. Just ask Kara Hultgren. 13859
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