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Woman drives 900 miles out of her way after GPS error

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Well, this woman was kind of slow, and scared and confused. The headline contradicts her own words. She said she was just not paying attention. I can only guess that she must have been afraid or didn't know how to ask for directions.

But, I have a GPS story a litttle like hers. I was driving in South on a Hwy and everything is fine and it says take the next exit South. So I do and I'm looking at the map and I see the line that marks the trail. After about an hour, after several turns and take Old LickSkillet Road and on and on. Suddenly the line went away. The GPS tricked me. It took me way out in the middle of nowhere and said OK, You're on your own now. So I kept on the road I was on trying to remember the last thing it said to do and hoping the signal would come back. Short story long, it didn't and now I was far enough into Homer Dean County that I wasn't sure I could make back to where I lost the signal aaannnddd, of course, it is late at night so there is no one to ask. I driving through neighbors passing schools and churches in some small town driving around in circles. Cursing that basard GPS the whole time. I'll bet he's somewhere watching all this and yuckin' it up.

The end is, I finally saw a sheriff and he escorted me to the nearest highway.

Moral of the story that I learned. If you are driving through wide open areas of land, like down south or out West and Northwest, never select the thing on your GPS that says "shortest route". Because it will find the shortest route alright, but it does not check to see if you will have a signal the whole way. So it could take you out in the middle of nowhere and then go away and leave you hangin.

my 2 cents


--- Quote from: mystery-ak on January 15, 2013, 11:34:36 pm ---

Woman drives 900 miles out of her way after GPS error
By Mike Krumboltz | The Sideshow – 5 hrs ago

Put too much faith in technology and you may wind up in Croatia. A 67-year-old woman from Belgium learned that the hard way after she followed (faulty) directions from her GPS device.

The woman only wanted to go about 90 miles from her hometown of Hainault Erquelinnes, Belgium, to pick up a friend at the Brussels train station. Her GPS device sent her about 900 miles to the south before (during the second day of driving) she realized that something was amiss. It's unclear if she entered the address incorrectly or if the GPS was faulty.

Discovery explains that the driver, Sabine Moreau, stopped twice for gas, slept on the side of the road, and "even suffered a minor car accident" along the way. She told El Mundo that she wasn't paying attention.

The lesson here: If you start seeing road signs in (multiple) foreign languages, pull over. You're probably going the wrong way.

--- End quote ---

If she drove from Belgium to Zagreb and didn't notice, she doesn't deserve a drivers license. She needs to be in a nut-house.


--- Quote from: Ford289HiPo on January 16, 2013, 02:40:03 am ---If she drove from Belgium to Zagreb and didn't notice, she doesn't deserve a drivers license. She needs to be in a nut-house.

--- End quote ---

That's what I got too. Sounds like she has some mental or drug issues going on. The story as it is written is impossible unless the women an utter imbecile. And she should not be driving. We already know she had a wreck and how could she 'stop for gas twice' and not ask where in the hell she is?

I call BS. Some kind of anti-GPS story for whatever reason. Remember when SUVs used to kill people?

This could be a good spot for one of those men refusing to ask for directions jokes, but I'll pass.  :whistle:

Mr. M and I have driven in Croatia. It's no Belgium.


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