Author Topic: A century later, Nixon legacy carries on: The president would have been 100 this week.  (Read 1394 times)

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Michael Mello
The Orange County Register
January 6, 2013

For five years, he was known as the leader of the Free World.

But for the first several years of his life, Richard Milhous Nixon had a more modest title: farm boy.

Wednesday will mark the date, 100 years ago, of a winter day so cold that Hannah Nixon was advised it would be better to bear her fifth son at home than risk traveling in the chill to a hospital. That was the day a small, kit-constructed home surrounded by citrus trees saw the birth of the man who would become the 37th president of the United States.

Richard Milhous Nixon was born January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California.

Photo essay: Nixon through the years

Key moments that defined Nixon

Wikipedia article