Author Topic: A woman takes her dog to the vet  (Read 1317 times)

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A woman takes her dog to the vet
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:43:45 pm »
So this woman takes her dog to the vet because the poor animal had been experiencing ear problems. The vet tells her that it's a case of dirt buildup because of some excessive hairs in the dog's ears. Tells her to go to the store and get a can of hair removal powder.

At the store, the woman is looking over all of the available products and asks the clerk how they are used. The clerk tells her "Use one part water to one and a half part powder, mix it thoroughly to a fine paste and apply it for removal of facial hair".

The woman says, "It's not for my face, it's for my schnauzer"

The clerk says "In that case, use it half strength and don't ride a bicycle for a week".

True story.....I think. :whistle:
I wonder when the lies will stop and truth begin, even as grim as the truth may be. And then I remember that for 70 years, the reign of terror in Russia called itself "the people's government." We have so far to fall, yet we are falling fast and Hell yawns to receive us.