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Al-Qaida Carves Out Own Country in Mali
--- Quote from: famousdayandyeaR² on January 01, 2013, 04:48:55 pm ---Because I had to look it up:
The Sahel is defined by its climate, on the margin between the high rainfall areas of the west African coast - southern Nigeria, for example - and the arid zone of the Sahara
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I find it sad that Africa is so screwed up.. gorgeous country with untold riches... still in the dark ages otherwise.
Hell, the loonies have carved out their own country in the USA, and this administration won't lift a finger to stop them:
--- Quote ---...The United Muslim Christian Forum (UMCF) is an entity of the Muslims of the Americas, whose members follow a cleric in Pakistan named Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani that refers to Osama Bin Laden as a “Saudi activist.” The group says it has 22 “villages” across the country, such as “Islamberg” in Hanock, N.Y. and “Islamville” in York County, S.C.
Gilani also leads Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a group that the State Department said in 1998 is an “Islamic sect that seeks to purify Islam through violence.” In 2009, I obtained a video of Muslim women receiving guerilla warfare training, complete in military fatigue, at “Islamberg.” This should raise questions about the purpose of Islamberg’s 24th Annual Ladies Summer Camp in July 2011. ...
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And closer still, the MB is placed HIGH in the WH, State and DHS. Skeptical ? Check out Hillary's soulmate: Uma Abedin (a MB insider)
Of course. The evidence of Huma Abedin's Muslim Brotherhood's ties has been smothered.
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