Author Topic: John Kerry; we all know one  (Read 1141 times)

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John Kerry; we all know one
« on: December 24, 2012, 05:55:49 pm »
John Kerry; we all know one
December 24th, 2012


The veteran community is gearing up for opposition to the appointment of John Kerry as our Secretary of State, mostly because we all knew someone like him when we were in the service. The same reason we generally opposed his candidacy for president in 2004. I was at the protest in Senate Park that autumn day eight years ago where even some of our Vietnamese citizens showed up to protest the possibility of a President Kerry.

We all knew someone who went to our wars for the glory, we all knew someone who was a “know-it-all”. There was always a guy who thought he knew better than the rest of us, someone we’d fully expect to show up at a Senate hearing to tell Congress what a bunch of meanies and morons we were. Like Kerry famously did in 1971. We all know guys who would count a minor injury as a Purple Heart injury. There’s one in every crowd. But of course, Kerry’s worst behavior came after he left active service, but he used the valor that he stole in combat to mitigate his bad behavior after active service.

John Perazzo at Front Page Mag writes about John Kerry after his service;

    The historical record informs us that not only has John Kerry been on the wrong side of every major foreign policy issue for most of his adult life, including Iraq, Nicaragua and most recently in Syria, but he has routinely engaged in deception to conceal his folly. What’s worse, Kerry has a clear record of giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies, all the while never missing an opportunity to viciously trash our brave forces fighting against them.

    With Obama’s nomination of Kerry to head the State Department, therefore, a look back at Kerry’s “service” to this country becomes more pertinent than ever:

    After being discharged from the Navy in early 1970, Kerry joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) and became a major figure in the so-called “peace” movement, whose hallmarks were a deep wellspring of hatred for the United States coupled with sympathy for America’s Communist enemy. In May 1970, Kerry, without government authorization, met personally with North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegations in Paris to discuss a list of “peace” proposals enumerated by Nguyen Thi Madame Binh, the top Viet Cong delegate to the Paris Peace talks. In the aftermath of that illegal meeting, Kerry strongly advised the U.S. Senate to accept Binh’s proposals.

    At that time, Kerry himself acknowledged that his visit to Paris was “on the borderline” of legality. Actually, it extended far beyond that “borderline.” A federal law known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice prescribed severe punishment (including, in some cases, the death penalty) for any person who “without proper authority, knowingly harbors or protects or gives intelligence to or communicates or corresponds with or holds any intercourse with the enemy, either directly or indirectly.”

John Kerry wasn’t an honorable service member, and then he compounded his dishonorable behavior after his brief time in Vietnam using that time in Vietnam as some sort of insulation against criticism. And, ya know, the civilians that support him aren’t as familiar with his behavior in combat as we veterans – another example of the gulf between those who serve and those who can’t be bothered with military service.

Yeah, I know that Democrats would like to say we oppose Kerry because of the party thing, but if there was a Republican who behaved as Kerry did during and after his time in Vietnam, I don’t think I’d support him either. Well, I openly opposed Adam Kokesh who ran as a Republican in New Mexico, so I guess that’s proof.