Author Topic: Democrats Anoint Mrs. Clinton the 2016 Nominee; Newt Concedes on Behalf of GOP  (Read 1106 times)

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Democrats Anoint Mrs. Clinton the 2016 Nominee; Newt Concedes on Behalf of GOP
December 10, 2012


RUSH: Have you heard what Newt is saying about Hillary, that if she's the nominee in 2016, it's already over; the Republicans cannot beat her? It's over. Do you know that? Newt said it. Let's set it up. Sunday morning, ABC's This Week, the roundtable, Stephanopoulos was talking to Carville about Hillary Clinton maybe running in 2016. He says, "Look, every decision she makes now, she has to look at it through the prism of that bigger decision," right, Jimbo?

CARVILLE: (chortling) Every Democrat I know says, "God, I hope she runs! We don't need a primary. Let's just go to post with this thing. We don't want a fight with anybody over anything."

STEPHANOPOULOS: Heh, heh, heh.

CARVILLE: "We've got a pretty good demographic deck. We kinda get... We like winning presidential elections. She's popular. Let's just go with it." Democrats want her to run, and I don't just mean a lot of Democrats. I mean a whole lot of Democrats. Like 90% across the country. We just don't... We just want to win.

RUSH: I mean, Obama has not even been immaculated, and they're already having orgasms over Hillary in 2016. (impression) "God, I hope she runs! We don't even need a primary. We just go to post with this thing. We just make it official! We just make it she the nominee, and let's just go ahead and say, 'In 2016 she's president. It's over.'" Jodi Kantor, CBS News this morning, this morning. Charlie Rose talking about Hillary said, "Nobody knows, but at a time like this, when a woman has to such a rich and varied life and so many important positions, when history comes calling, you can't say no, can you, Jodi?"

KANTOR: Also, when everybody you meet -- abroad, at home -- every day tells you that you are truly the best person to be the next president of the United States, which is what a lot of people are telling her, that is hard to resist. Here's one fun tea leaf to read, which is that I do here that President Bill Clinton is very eageeeeer for her to run.

RUSH: Really?

CARVILLE: He sits there on his plane and he games out the scenario for what a run may look like. So if everybody including your husband is telling you to do it, that's hard to resist.

RUSH: Out of nowhere! Out of nowhere this weekend they have created a narrative. Out of nowhere. I didn't know everybody around the world was telling her she had to run. I didn't know 90% of Democrats said it's Hillary in 2016. I didn't know they wanted to dispense with the primary and just confirm her. I didn't know any of this. But over the week, every world leader wants her to run. Bill wants her to run. He's mapping the run out on the airplane! Carville wants her to run. So they ask Newt about it on Meet the Press, and he said this...

GINGRICH: If their competitor in 2016 is gonna be Hillary Clinton -- supported by Bill Clinton and presumably a still relatively popular President Barack Obama -- trying to win that will be truly the Super Bowl. And the Republican Party today is incapable of competing at that level.

RUSH: So I left here on Friday. I didn't know any of this. I didn't watch the Sunday shows. I get the sound bite roster 30 minutes ago, and I learned for the first time it's a fait accompli. Now, I know she's already been ticketed, talked about.


RUSH: I didn't know -- I really did not know over the weekend -- that the Democrats had anointed Hillary Clinton as their nominee, but the New York Times has an article kicking off Hillary's campaign today. Jodi Kantor, they've got that article, and you just heard Carville and everybody on board. It's a fait accompli. "Just take this thing to post now. It's already done. Ninety percent of Democrats, 90% of world leaders, everybody wants Hillary! Bill wants Hillary. Everybody wants Hillary! Just make her president. Just go ahead and say, 'In January 2017 she moves in the Oval Office. It's done. It's over with.'"


RUSH:  I literally had no idea. I mean, I knew that Hillary was a likely Democrat candidate in 2016.  I had no idea that the Democrats and the media had already anointed her.  I had no idea that every world leader that she's ever met wants her to be president.  I had no idea that 90% of the Democrats had already decided.  I had no idea that this is already done.  I left here Friday not knowing any of this.  I woke up today not knowing any of it.

I didn't know any of this 'til I looked at the sound bite roster and found that New York Times piece by Jodi Kantor which kicks off the Hillary... not even a campaign.  That's the whole point.  I mean, she will campaign, but she's not going to have to.  She's already the nominee, and thus already the president because remember what Newt said on Meet the Press yesterday morning talking about the Hillary anointment.

GINGRICH: If their competitor in 2016 is gonna be Hillary Clinton -- supported by Bill Clinton and presumably a still relatively popular President Barack Obama -- trying to win that will be truly the Super Bowl. And the Republican Party today is incapable of competing at that level.

RUSH:  We can't beat her.  Here we are on December 10, 2012, and we can't beat Hillary in a presidential campaign in 2016.  I didn't know any of this.  In fact, I don't even think this is a campaign now.  It's a coronation.  Mind boggling.  Literally mind-boggling.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776